Soul said to me O you who have been busy by Fatamorgana world ..... What you want to search from the world ...? Look ... there is no person who look you Lights also are reluctant to brighten your Yourself yourselves in the morning Allah fed up with sin sin your megrim ............... You to worship Him But you also engage in immoral acts to him Are you sure your pray received by him? Do you believe in your repentance by His goodness? Cry yourself weeping with sorrow Throughout the life

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Unified Wahaby-side with Khawarij -

-The Unified Wahaby-side with Khawarij -

Not all groups Wahaby (Salafy fake) Wahaby willing if called, although they all agreed to make Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab as the reference and leaders. Only a few pellet Wahaby people are willing, if called as Wahaby himself. In addition to a Wahaby have a negative connotation reproval calls, they also persist for a group called the Salafy-as-a Wahaby to avoid a negative earlier and get that place on the side of the Ahlusunah wal Jamaah. But if we examine more akan we shall find that the teachings of their behavior and not at all reflect the teachings of the salaf and confidence Saleh as the founder of Ahlusunah. However, the teachings and behavior Wahaby better if disandingkan and disejajarkan with the Khawarij that have been condemned in the history of Muslims. This is because the Messenger itself has stigmatize them. And in fact, some people have evidently equate the Wahabi (Salafi) with the group with Khawarij see that there are some similarities.

View of history that there have been, Khawarij group is a group that is very similar to lunge and kick with the Wahabi thoughts now. Therefore, there can be said that the Wahabi group is embodiment and continuation of Khawarij groups in the current period. Globally can be mentioned some of the side-side similarity between the groups with the Wahabi astray Khawarij be reproached by the Prophet.

Apostles had perverted the surname (Khawarij) with a "Mariqiin," which means "separated" from Islam as lepasnya shaft of busurnya. [See: Musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal volume: 2 page: 118] At least there is the six - the similarity between the two groups is that of meniscayakan vonis punishment and consequences are the same. The six sides of the same earlier include:

First: As a group Khawarij easily accuse a Muslim with a heathen, Wahabi groups was very easy to accuse a Muslim as syirik, bid'ah, superstition and takhayul that all of that is' fine words' from pengkafiran (Takfir), although in some a-a case that has similarities with paganism itself when viewed from the legal consequences. Therefore, the Wahaby also feasible dijuluki called Jama'ah Takfiriyah (group pengkafiran), love and hoby menyasatkan and mengkafirkan groups other than Muslim group. They (Wahaby and Khawarij) feel equally ajarannya only the really pure and true. Abdullah bin Umar mensifati in groups Khawarij said: "They use the verses that was revealed for the unbelievers then apply them to attack those who believe." [See: the book of Bukhari Sohih volume: 4 page: 197] The characteristics of such is also easily found in our cohort group of pseudo-Salafi (Wahabi) associated with his brothers fellow Muslims. Can see how easy it rohaniawan the Wahabi (Muthowi ') accuse the Jamaah-Hajj guests of God (Dhuyuf Ar-Rahman) - as syirik and bid'ah in the practice which is considered not in accordance with their belief and confidence. While all Muslims came to the Ka'bah with the House still believes that "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God saw swt".

Second: As a group Khawarij has disifati with the "butcher of Muslims and perahmat for the unbelievers (non-Muslim)", as it is listed in the Hadith of the Prophet: "They killed embraces Islam, are the pagans they leave," [See: Majmu'ah book al-Fatawa of Ibn Taimiyah Jilid: 13 page: 32] then history has proven that the Wahabi group also has performed these despicable behavior, terkhusus at the beginning of the early-distribution. As recorded in history books as some nomadic tribe hecatomb Arab Muslims who reject the teachings Wahabisme astray. It was never done at the beginning of the distribution by Wahabisme founder, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab an-Najdi. He was with the support of Muhammad bin Saud, the amir-Uyainah the assistance of British troops kolonialis the unbelievers so that you can finally conquered the region in a variety of Arabia. Hecatomb various nomadic tribe of Muslims they do in some places, terkhusus in the area of Hijaz (now Saudi Arabia) and Iraq, and again that, due to their refusal on the perverted teachings of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab.

Third: As Khawarij groups have a lot of confidence that strange and out of the agreement such as the Muslims belief that the sins of the heathen dihukumi clean the blood, the Wahabi also have the same specificity. They accuse the Muslims of the grave of Rasulullah berziarah with a syirik, bid'ah, superstition and takhayul the same with all the pengkafiran groups of yesteryear.

Fourth: As a group have a soul Khawarij rigid (stiff), make up and narrow the scope of the free religious teachings, then the Wahabi also have the same constraints. Many things they bid'ah and determination in syirik but they do not have measurements of clear and strong, they do not even dare to be responsible tuduhannya with open discussions with groups that deems astray. We can see, the blogs and sites Wahaby group did not have open discussion forum. While Jamaah pilgrimage to the holy land to go is not permitted to bring books and / or religious pilgrimage guide book but in accordance with their teachings. while on the other hand, they encourage the dissemination of propaganda and akidahnya through various means-such as the distribution of books, brochures, tapes and so forth-to the Jamaah Ahlusunah the Hajj. This is a form of rape and robbery belief Wahaby confidence Ahlusunah wal Jamaah.

Fifth: As Khawarij groups have been out due to the teachings of Islam, which has ajarannya deviate from the religion of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad, Wahabi also have the same irregularities so that they are eligible to Islamic to doubt. Pengkafiran other groups which have done by the Wahaby be enough concrete evidence to impeach them Islamic. as mentioned in many history that anyone who mengkafirkan a Muslim he would own pengkafiran is affected. In a Hadith about the Khawarij by diriwayatkan Shahih Bukhari in his book, which can be also applied to the Wahabi groups in which the Apostle said: "Some people will appear from the Earth to the east. They read Al-Quran, but (before reading) does not exceed the limit of the throat. They have been out of the religion (Islam) as terkeluarnya (separated) from the shaft busurnya. Signs them, like cut-out head of hair. "[See: the book Shahih Bukhari, at-Tauhid Book Chapter: 57 Hadith to-7123] Al-Hadith Qistholani in mensyarahi earlier said:" From the eastern hemisphere ", namely the direction of eastern cities such as Medina Najd region. [View: Irsyad book as-Saari Jil: 15 Hal: 626] Under one another Hadith mentioned, in regard to the city an-Najd: "There, there are a variety of shock, and from there also appears a lot of slander." [See: the book Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal volume: 2 page: 81 volumes, or: 4 page: 5] Or, in another expression that says: "There appears qorn Satan." In Arabic language dictionary, the word "qorn" berartikan people, the teachings of a cohort, or the power. [See: the book of Al-Qomuus volumes: 3 page: 382, the words: qo-ro-na] While we know that the city of Najd is a place of birth and living Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab an-Najdi, founder Wahabisme. In addition to the city center as well as Wahabisme and there's also thought Wahabisme distributed and exported to all over the world, including Indonesia. Of all the Hadith can be taken before the thread is that the city's red-Najd is the emergence of the cohort in which the teachings of Satan-the devil is sometimes from the jinn or from the men, who are referred to here as-is Syaithonul-Ins or demons from the man-who named Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab in which the group then known as the Wahaby atay Salafy claim as kosongnya (Salafy false). Zahir many signs of the group. In addition to wear trousers, or gamis sarung to shank, like the short hair cut while the beard bergelayutan not be known is one of the characteristics of this group Zahir cohort. Signs that more is more visible, they are very smooth and fluent when accuse selainnya with a group of actors syirik, bid'ah, superstition and takhayul.

Sixth: As Khawarij group believes that "Muslim countries" (Daar al-Salam) when many residents do maksiat and then sin big Categorize them as a "state of war zone" (Daar al-Harb). Because according to them with so many acts before then maksiat means Muslim population has now been out of the religion of Islam (unbelievers). Radical Wahabi group also believes the same thing. Lately it can be seen in factual, how groups of radical Wahabi-like network of al-Qaedah do-terror action in different places that are not rare-Muslims are also a variety of age-and gender as the victim.

Destination release of this blog is to recognize and Muslims will become clear what and who claim the group as a Salafi-ngaku during this, the claim-ngaku back as penghidup teachings salaf Saleh. So that we all be more alert and introspective of the flow of error and that has led deviate from the teachings of Islam's Prophet Muhammad. Reason, we also caution because the Wahaby (Salafy false) always assume that mazhabnya sect is the most correct itself as the most bertauhid and ajarannya teachings is the most clean of syirik, bid'ah, takhayul and superstition. So that eventually they situlah's easy to point the other-than-golongannya as bid'ah experts, the syirik, principled and superstition takhayul. [See: the book Ar-Rasail paper al-Ilmiyah Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Hal: 79] But if we see, in the teachings of Islam and the behavior proves that the salaf Saleh accuse someone dub-dub with the earlier act is not easy, it is necessary to have a strong base and concrete evidence of al-Quran and as-Sunah a valid. And he and the salaf Saleh did not conduct such pengkafiran except for those who are involved in the movement Khawarij. This blog is also in order akan prove that what they teach is the understanding and implementation of a blank from the al-Quran, as-Sunah as-salaf Shahihah Saleh and teachings. They could only base opinions on the fatwa-fatwa ulama Wahaby the majority coming from Saudi Arabia (such as the members Lajnatul Ifta '), the oil-rich Muslim countries are very generous and loyal to all the interests of the USA, but the griping against the interests of fellow Muslims. Even a few years ago Saudi Arabia-that-it seems aimed to protect the Al-Haramain as-Syarifain (Makkah and Madinah) also must bring the troops that the army clearly disbelieved (of USA) to the holy land of Islam so that some cases of harassment also occurs here and there. What all this is academic substance pemraktekkan Saleh salaf that they purr-dengungkan for this? If they uphold the true teachings akan salaf Saleh they will not merendah and menghamba USA against the unbelievers. Nation where faith is pure wonder they get from the al-Quran, as-Sunnah salaf Saleh and behavior that they want tebarkan, but in fact turns out they are not consistent because they are still the best shelter under the armpit man-army men disbelieve the USA, the defense Masjidil Haram has guaranteed that, as in al-Quran al-letter verb (Abrahah story)? Do not they have more mengimani al-Quran so that the army should be invited to the holy land Kafir, or any other purpose? Or why they must use the method "pengkafiran" other groups that are not congenial to her, whether it is taught by the salaf Saleh? Is not the salaf-Nabi Saleh, Sahabat, Tabi and Tabi'in 'Tabi'in-is noble people who do not easily accuse others who do not concur with their accusations with accusations-such decay? Pendustaan on behalf of the salaf Saleh model is this? Still they confess layakkah-ngaku as penghidup the teachings of the salaf based Saleh al-Quran and Sunnah as-as-Shahihah they are still doing pengkafiran and other Muslim groups are still bermesraan with the heathen, such as the USA and its allies?

Allah knows best


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