Soul said to me O you who have been busy by Fatamorgana world ..... What you want to search from the world ...? Look ... there is no person who look you Lights also are reluctant to brighten your Yourself yourselves in the morning Allah fed up with sin sin your megrim ............... You to worship Him But you also engage in immoral acts to him Are you sure your pray received by him? Do you believe in your repentance by His goodness? Cry yourself weeping with sorrow Throughout the life

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Soul of Rasulullah SAW

The soul of Rasulullah SAW
Monday, March 30, 2009

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: فاطمة بضعة مني فمن أغضبها أغضبني (صحيح البخاري

Sabda the Prophet:
"Fathimah (Putri Prophet saw) the soul, angry membuatku what is making them angry" (Shahih Bukhari)

ImageAlhamdulillahirabbil'alamin washolatu wassalaamu ala sayyidil mursalin wa ala alihi washhbihi ajmain. As usual we read the hadith of Rasulullah Saw and we say welcome to the guests - our guests, our advisors KH.Ashraf Mr. Ali and the habaib akramin, also fadhilatul Sayyid Al-Habib Muhammad bin Hasan Baharun matta'anallahu bihi, Al Habib Musthofa and the habaib other.

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Limpahan Puji Kehadirat Allah is Most Great, the praise and glorify servants - servants to the glory of the immortal. When the servants are to approach the divine kehadirat God mendekatkannya with the closer proximity and for the eternal gift that owned no slaves to one another except Al-Khaliq Rabbul alamin is the break mecah (split) in the grace and comfort throughout each slave servants and time period.

Fulan bin fulan kenikmatannya, fulan bin fulan and kenikmatannya, fulan bin fulan and PANCA inderanya, fulan bin fulan million and the letters are allowed out of the lips, fulan bin fulan allowed so long blinks, fulan bin fulan allowed to see berjuta color. Therefore God Rabbul alamin confer pleasure, no enjoyment beyond the pleasure limpahan his mind and rarely by His servants that He Anugerah enjoyment and ocean kabahagiaan. This is the ocean of happiness, this is the light of the Eternal lead to the luxury and grandeur of eternal. After Jasad man changed into a beautiful corpse as bait animals in the land, still glorify God glory ruhnya reach a more exalted than the life of the world. They were in their glory because it is included in the group that glorify God, the way of Allah "ja'alanallahu wa iyyakum ninhum" (hope that God made me and you with them) You have made (oh God) I nafasku and you and every breath that you always praise and glorified God.

If we were trapped in sin and error is the only complaints to him. Remission of sins only owned him, the sin is from Him. Diriwayatkan in the history Annasai "yabna aadam innaka Maa da'autanii wa rojautanii ghofartu lacker 'ala Maa kaana minka falaa ubaaliiy" O descendant of Adam, if you hope to me and you pray to Me. What benefits I pray to thy Rabb .. O? before we ask diijabah and not by God or prayer, the promise of God telahmemberi "yabna aadam innaka Maa da'autanii wa rojautanii ghofartulaka 'ala Maa kaana minka falaa ubaaliiy" that you hope and pray diligently to me, I delete you without sin Ku-pertanyakan again. Historical Musnad ahmad is certainly strengthened by dozens of verses that history Shahih Bukhari Allah eliminate sin - sin of his charity with his good deeds even of God's word.

ImageKetika a man came to the Prophet saw "O Messenger of Allah ..." I have a lot of sin - sin, sin, sin and sin, how sin caraku remove this? The Prophet saw the still, God is responsible. Indicate a desire to remove the sin, the desire for close to God, the desire to far from the contemptible to God, not answered by the Prophet saw, but answered by God. God replied "minal hasanah yuhyib ma .. ". How beautiful thy Rabbiy answers. God replied, "delete the reward is really the act of sin - sin," how beautiful. Do you want to sin in my deleted? Perbanyak good on me, I remove the sin - the sin you. Most beautiful Indah and indeed there is no more beautiful than God. If we renungkan, this verse does not command for repentance, but more than repentance. Shows that God is very close to the wish of the sinner who wants to remove his sin. God is very close to him want.

Why does not God say he repent, finished, remove the sin, not so. God says "innal hasanaat yudzhibnassayyi'at" good deeds remove the sin - sin. That is what? God want to do it much better. Why should he do well? Meanwhile, God said: My slaves, if you gather the jinn and mankind's first and last all bertaqwa with ketaqwaan to Me, My Kingdom is not the least, if my servant you all this evil, the jinn and mankind's first and last all evil, does not diminish the Kingdom of the least-Ku (Shahih Muslim). Then what's the good and evil for God? Love of God, God's beautiful, Mulianya God to God's "the O sinner, do you reward the perbanyak sin - my sin you-delete". Call a very beautiful, "here in the near future - then my sin - my sin-Remove". So beautiful Rabbul alamin.

Attendees - the presence, in the Shahih diriwayatkan Bukhari: God sees when one of the forms, which show Allah servants - servants of God to see that all the deeds of even the smallest. So that the guests came to the Prophet and the Prophet saw him menjamunya can not because there was no food. Rasul get his wife on "what we have food to entertain guests this?", The wife of the Prophet saw said "no, that there is only water." So the Messenger said, who would regale tamuku this? One person anshar direct a show of hands "O Messenger of Allah ana, ana .." I am the Messenger of Allah ya tamumu entertain. Bring to the house, to knock the door into the home with the hard to wake up his wife. Why is my husband? you look a hurry - a hurry. "Akrimiy dhaifa Rasulillah" we can glory He guests. Ayoo .. muliakan, remove all that we have from the food and the food, remove all. He is not this front our guests, came to the Messenger, the Messenger can not menyambutya saw. Rasul ask "who can be held?", I hurry - hurry forefinger hand, the glory of this great for us. She said "my husband, only to 1orang food. There is no more food, that is for the children - our children. 2 children - our children will only eat food for 1 person, how are you this invitation menyanggupi guests apostle? you do not ask first? whether we have a goat, a chicken, no rice, no bread, do not get careless play! "And her husband is terlanjur menyanggupi" if the children are our tidurkan quick - quick, turn off the lights so that their children sleep. " "Not to eat, sleep should not be ordered to order dinner, never mind." Ditidurkan children without food. Then stay 1 plate of food for 1 person, "this how? guests would not eat if put only 1 plate if shohibul temple (host) not to eat because food just 1 plate. " Her husband said, "wait before you spend piringnya, the lamp betulkan ago when you eat that dead pelitanya wind instrument, so ostensibly - ostensibly the dead. Place a plate, please eat and we put the empty plates in front of our guests we do not have food to eat, but as it were - will be eating and not visible lamp is dark. " But guests do not know the story lamp is dead, pelitanya damaged, with tenangnya guests eat, sleep in sleep, morning - morning dawn prayer back to the Prophet saw "O Messenger of Allah Alhamdulillah I dijamu with food and sleep calmly." Apostle said, "Allah is the night ridho shohibul to the temple (the host) that menjamumu it" (Bukhari shahih). God smiled, not as God is man may smile, but God is very dear and very happy. With that act of God is very compassionate, not only moved because the guests but also because shohibul stanza say. "Akrimiy dhaifa Rasulillah" He muliakan guests. This makes God's compassionate, he guests for their children not willing to eat, sleep overnight in a state of hungry guests to glorify the Prophet.

ImageKita recognize a human figure who is beloved by the Prophet, the man he most disayang. Who? Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra radiyallahu anha. This new haditsnya we read. "Fatimah badh'atun minniy .." Putriku Fatimah is part of the body. But Imam Ibn Hajar in the Fathul Baari more to emphasize the soul. That is the most kucintai. ".. Aghdhabaniy man aghdhabaha" anyone who makes angry akan membuatku angry. Kalimatnya very short, but if it means we perdalam He was never angry for himself. He was angry only because only God alone. If their rights are matters of God, Prophet Muhammad saw the new rage. Means that people who offend Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra deal with the wrath of God. ".. Faman aghdhabaha aghdhabaniy" that will make them angry membuatku angry. This is a hint of the hadith of Prophet saw, how to love God Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra, so angry with the messenger who make Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra angry.

Rasulillah daughter. When Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib kw send his wife Fatimah Sayyidatuna namely Azzahra, because they do not see Sayyidatuna Fatimah tega this hand injury - injuries because the grind your own rice, grind their own wheat to feed the child - his son Sayyidina Hasan and Sayyidina Husain. A soft start so scratches - scratched and bleeding. Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib not tega, if so try to ask the Prophet khadim. "Many want the koq berkhadim to us," said Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib. Sayyidatuna Fatimah came to the Prophet saw. He stood, proof here. Diriwayatkan the Fathul Baari bisyarah Shahih Bukhari by Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Rasul Asqalani that it stood to welcome Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra, teriwayatkan in many hadith shahih. This is the proof for our people we love. He came, Sayyidatuna Fatimah stood.

Now is the time of the Prophet is standing Maulid syirik. We stand for the most beloved of God the Sayyidina Muhammad Saw. Visible are not visible, do not come here, I stand to honor the Prophet Muhammad, Messenger of Allah.

We stop first Sayyidatuna stories Fatimah. We talk again when the law stands mahallul qiyam. From the Imatunal Akramin berikhtilaf about bolehnya stand, but Hujjatul Islam Imam Al-Nawawi said that the opinion of most shahih and most tsigah the withdrawal is established to honor scholars or those who loved. But scholars say makruh, some say never stand for an evil regime. Dhalim the authorities, do not stand menghormatinya, the Imam Al-Nawawi said. Some say makruh, part of the forbidden. But standing for the scholars is amrun mustahab (the good / preferred), standing for the guests is amrun mustahab (the good / preferred). Appreciate the guests, he also stood guests appreciate. Out of all of this difference, we stand up for what is not - what, but when mahallul qiyam as happy to welcome the birth of Prophet Muhammad saw, is not bound Rasulullahnya have or not have. So the audience - the presence.

ImageYang mengawalinya whom? Imam Taajusubkiy alaihi rahmatullah, a Muhaddits and a Hujjatul Islam. Hujjatul Islam know very well that people are more than 300,000 hadith. Students - students are huffadh and he Muhaddits a large, and is known in many areas. One - time to gather his disciples - students, the Al Hafidz. Students - students memorize more than 100,000 hadith, disciple - disciples gathered. The other scholars are also in line with his present. One person read qasidah (praise to the Prophet saw), arrived - arrived Tajusubkiy Imam holds tongkatnya and standing. He stood, stood the entire audience, then they feel Sakinah 1, 1 and 1 kekhusyu'an tranquility that is terrible. They will miss Airmata Prophet Muhammad Saw. So while reading qasidah, arrived - arrived Tajusuki Imam holds tongkatnya and without the stand, the others join up, then they feel that the 1 and 1 eccentricity 1 and tranquility that is terrible longing to the Prophet Muhammad Saw. Be the first act mahallul qiyam the Peace Priest is Tajusubki. Which he was recognized as Muhaddits and as Hujjatul Islamic equivalent of the Imam Nawawi, Imam Ibn Hajar and Imam - Imam other.

We continue, ask Sayyidatuna Fatimah khadim (adjuvant) to the father. His father said, "O Fatimah, kuajarkan you reading and better than the adjuvant," said Fatimah Sayyidatuna "koq reading oh father?", The Apostle said "before you sleep read Subhanallah 33x, 33x Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar 33x and end with Lailahailallah wahdahu laa syarikalah lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyi wa yumiitu wa huwa a'laa kulli syaiin Qadir, tidurlah ago. You will wake up more fresh body "(Shahih Bukhari), overview we say that this is a little cruel act. People have even given adjuvant dzikir, but the audience is sovereign. You go home from here may try, the body that are tired and lethargic, try to read before sleep Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, each - each end with the 33x and Lailahailallah wahdahu laa .. syarikalah, and sleep and see bangunmu not the same as the building without the dzikir. There are 1 kenasaban, have secret strength Illahiyah into the cell - the cell body. Therefore the Prophet taught him to Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra. Testament, he saw the daughter saw the messenger and not give khadim (adjuvant). Stark Apostle who have many khadim. Companions are given khadim 5, that this be khadim 10. While the daughter was not khadim. Why? because food made with the mother's own hand more than the blessing of food that is made of adjuvant. If the child of his mother's food is much more entitled and more blessing than the children given food from the hand pembantunya. From love, from dzikirnya, especially the mother is Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra radiyallahu anha. The apostle does not want food wal Sayyidina Hasan Husein mixed parlormaid hands. Simply hand Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra his mother because he knew from the descendants of Sayyidina Hasan Husein wal akan appear tens of thousands of saint akan Islamize the West and East. Ibunda from Habaib all that is in the earth's surface. But the messenger does not want to have adjuvant join hands to eat food from Sayyidina Hasan Husein wal radiyallahu anhum. So the audience - the presence, beautiful Tarbiyah the Prophet saw.

As much as possible this woman from this case, if the child is still a baby, still 2, 3, 4 years old, still disuapi then give semampunya food from your hand. Do not hand of adjuvant. If you are starting over 5 - 6 years old, already grown tulangnya perhaps only please. If it is still small, not always from the hand while dzikir, yassin while reading, while reading Peace Sholli cor Sholli Ala Muhammad Alaihi Wa Sallim, continue latih son is with the light and light dzikir. You will see later how dahsyatnya.

ImageDibuktikan by our scientists, when the woman is pregnant diperdengakan good dirahimnya (diperutnya) is the music - classical music, the music because it helps calm the baby's brain growth process in the womb. Music or a quiet voice that makes the development of otaknya better. Pantaslah the salaf if we teach that Mary read the letter for the women and for men - men read a letter yusuf. Of course, the classic 1000 musical, will not overlap Kalamullah SWT. Perdengarkan on his mother's womb, a woman - a pregnant woman, her husband - the husband of his wife being pregnant, remember! So that the practice of his wife - in a letter Alqur'anulkarim, Mary does not have to mail a letter and not necessarily yusuf. My mail is Muhammad Saw it, it's the most perfect man if his son - men. If ya, if women have a glory of Rahmatan lil alamin, blessing the world and the Hereafter. Allah.

Attendees - the presence, Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib kw are perhaps rarely mentioned in the hadith Shahih history. In fact in the history of Shahih Bukhari Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib more about the history of Sayyidina Abu Bakr Ashshiddiq radiyallahu anhum. The diriwayatkan by Sayyidina Abu Bakr Ashshiddiq much less compared with the diriwayatkan by Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib. Diriwayatkan Prophet saw said "ya Ali .. manzilat bi bi manzilati mim Aaron Moses .. "O Ali you whether this ridho, happy because posisimu the position of the Prophet Aaron the Prophet Moses" (Shahih Bukhari) That is very close to the Prophet saw is not the same - as the Prophet, but very close to the Messenger of Allah . Hadits never spoken like this to Sayyidina Abu Bakr Ashshiddiq with a different sentence. Rasul said if I can take this a sweetheart, and I will take Abu Bakr as Ashshiddiq radiyallahu anhum lovers. (Shahih Bukhari) But because I am not allowed to have lovers but God Alla Wa Jalla.

So many hadith about the glory of Sayyidina Ali bn Abi Tholib, Sayyidina Abu Bakr Ashshiddiq, Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab and Sayyidina Utsman bin Affan dikelompoklah then called Khulafaurrasyidin in group 1 and did not know where the most glorious. 1 the more in love on this one, which is more love in this one, please only. But the fourth has a majestic glory. And Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib most do not like the deviation. He was most averse to deviation. Diriwayatkan Shahih Bukhari when the deviation occurs in the khalifahnya with Muawiyah, said Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib "please disconnect any time by how free you, however you please musyawarahkan how seriously I hate split, I akan perjuangkan Islamic groups in 1 or I will die in order to defend unity and died as a friend of the Sayyidina Abu Bakar, Sayyidina Umar and Sayyidina Utsman radiyallahu anhu ajmain ". So magical Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib kw.

And of course Sayyidina Abu Bakr Ashshiddiq radiyallahu anhum which appears in the present dipertentangkan that Sayyidina Abu Bakr is doing things that hurt Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra directly associated with this hadith ".. man aghdabaha aghdhabaniy" that Sayyidina Abu Bakr had Sayyidatuna scathing Azzahra Fatimah, daughter He has said he is being "who makes the angry Fatimah akan membuatku angry." Surely when this diperdengarkan to the hadith Sayyidina Abu Bakr Ashshiddiq, the Sayyidina Abu Bakr Ashshiddiq come to Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra ridho request and blessing. Likewise in the Fathul Baari bisyarah Shahih Bukhari. Sayyidina Abu Bakr came Ashshiddiq to the Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib "I run what is - what the Prophet saw that did not receive the Ahlul Bait shadaqah. However Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra not receive the inheritance that the Ahlul Bait Rasul not inherit, I only hold the messenger speech, but if the daughter to offend the messenger, I want to apologize. " Then enter diizinkanlah meet Sayyidatuna Fatimah. Imam Ibn Hajar said, "not out Sayyidina Abu Bakr Ashshiddiq from the house before diridhai and pardoned by Sayyidatuna Fatimah Azzahra".

Imam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani and Hujjatul Islamic Imam Al-Nawawi said alaihi rahmatullah case if the land is heir to people of the house saw the messenger, had Saayidina Ali bin Abi Tholib akan card. Time of Sayyidina Abu Bakr had not been given, Sayyidina Umar, Sayyidina Utsman, already 3 caliphs. And the Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib also not issued! That land fadak. If the case alhaq, Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib akan card. Means Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Tholib wrong, all wrong Khulafaurrasyidin. This presents, perhaps some of the audience does not understand this discussion and discussion is important. Because the flare start people - those who revile the Prophet saw friends. Miscall Sayyidina Abu Bakar, Sayyidina Umar, Sayyidina Utsman said that they are the enemy - the enemy people of the house. One big, why? because their family of four this is the messenger. Sayyidina Abu Bakr law is Allah's Messenger, Sayyidina Umar law Prophet, Sayyidina Utsman son Prophet, Sayyidina Ali son of Rasulullah saw, they all this he saw his family. They lash out and say that there are mistakes in this case means that the household topsy turvy Prophet. Impossible!

Audience, this is the need to continue our course perjelas again how beautiful Sayyidina Hasan bin Ali kw akan died when Sayyidina Hasan said in sakaratul death, who see life with ditarbiyah Tarbiyah morals of Prophet Muhammad saw. Sayyidina Hasan bin Ali said, "laqad aroftu man sammaniy wa laqad samahtuh" I know who I am poison, but I already forgave. Subhanallah! Sayyidina Ali bin Hasan radiyallahu anhum. They are people who khusyu ', they are people - people who many bermunajat. Son of Sayyidina Husain bin Ali, he Sayyidina Ali Zainal Abidin who is known as Assajjad (the most prostrate). Degree that there is never a person other than him. Why? sujudnya because as many as 1000 each evening. He is 500 rakaat evening prayers every night, performed shalat 500 rakaat means prostration 1000 times. Prostration to Him. We can not afford, but at least we renungkan only. The beautiful people who like what sujudnya 1000 to God. How God's love to the man, he betap enjoy asyiknya movement - gerik sujudnya 1000 every night kehadirat God, how beautiful life istananya in yaumal Qiyamah. Attendees - the presence, Imam Ali Zainal Abidin Assajjad died when seen in the two former coolie pundaknya hard, the body is rough, such as stiff. If it is stiff heavy lift frequently, the skin looks rough. That person said the incident - FAQ, why do this? often bring heavy never seen? a few days and then be aware that many people - the poor come. How? every night we usually have to send the food, send a sack of rice, a grain sack either, but now no more after his death Sayyidina Ali Zainal Abidin Assajjad. People sleep, he's finished ibadahnya, for the start - for the fuqara without the know, are placed in front of her house fulan until berbekas dikedua pundaknya akrena lift a heavy burden. The beautiful people - people like this.

Attendees - the presence, when he bermunajat end of the night "abduka bi finaa'ik, miskiinuka bi finaaik, faqiiruka bi finaaik, saailuka bi finaaik" O God of thy servant before you, O God of the poor, the servant of the poor of thy before - thee, thy servant is in need before you, before the beggar-thy. Who prays? prostration of every night of 1000, which bershadaqah to fuqara unwitting people. He said "abduka bi finaa'ik, miskiinuka bi finaaik, faqiiruka bi finaaik, saailuka bi finaaik".

This is the night - the night munajat, this is the night - the night prayer, this night - the night hope to God. How the son Sayyidina Ali Zainal Abidin, namely Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al Bagir Zainal Abidin Assajjad that when he is ynag most people are very loyal and obedient to God, face luminous light - bright as it were - will be back to see the light at the Prophet saw terbit face Al Imam Muhammad Al Bagir. And in the evening, he always prayed "amartaniy falam a'tamir, wa nahaytaniy falam anzajir, HAA ana abduka bayna yadayk, mudznibun mukhthi'un, falaa a'tadzir" This is Muhammad Al Bagir me, You give me a lot of command but with much can not afford kulakukan, Kau prohibit many things - things that Kau Disallow O God, but there also can not afford I do, can you kulakukan restrictions, there is thy command that to me still not kulakukan, there are many restrictions that Mu-Kau beri ban me but I still do. He said "HAA ana abduka mudznibun mukhti'un falaa a'tadzir" this is me thy servant full of sin, full of wrong and I do not defend ourselves on sin - dosaku. That is what the defensive? I mean being sick because of sin, I sin because they were not intentionally .. not .. it does not, indeed I am sinner. Similarly audience with soul Ashshodiq Imam Ja'far bin Muhammad Al Bagir (son of Imam Muhammad Al Bagir).

"HAA ana abduka mudznibun mukhti'un falaa a'tadzir". This is the Imam Muhammad Al Bagir, the servant of sin, the servant of the error, when the slaves were given the command also banyakyang still not done, that if given the restrictions that are also there. But he who almost never do things that mubah, always done in the case of the Sunna and the fardhu, never do things that makruh especially forbidden. So that life itself is very low before the Most Luhur. Likewise with her son Ashshodiq Al Imam Ja'far bin Muhammad bin Ali Al Bagir Zainal Abidin bin Husain binty Rasulillah saw. How about the Imam Ja'far? Imam Ja'far pray that the name of God tidakmau stop. If he said "ya Rabb .. ya Rabb .. ya Rabb" he continued lampiaskan doanya, rindunya, tangisnya, content perasaannya in the name of God every call. He said "ya Allah, ya Allah .. .. ya Allah" continues until habisb winded. If you are exhausted and winded Asma Allah change with the other. Imam Ja'far such circumstances, so the Imam Muhammad Al Bagir, so the Imam Ali Zainal Abidin, said in the book Al Ghurar written by Al-Imam Muhammad Al Hafidz bin Alwi Al ..

Attendees, we end this session with prayer and munajat. Rabbiy surface of the earth has been fulfilled life - a life filled with prayer and munajat. Cool their lives day and night with dzikir, cool day - the day they Rahmat-Mu limpahkan then on we also Ya Rahman Ya Rahim. Setetes two drops of thy longing to, setetes two drops of the beautiful bow down to you in the night, invite us to tandem with your in ruku 'and prostration at night, Ya Rahman Ya Rahim You do not make our people are still leaving prayer, perhaps among hadiirn still do not have the time to pray 5, taubatlah night, promised to God that you do not repeated again to leave to pray 5 times. If there is still sin - the sin that you do, pray to God, ask ask .. .. .. requested that God give you strength to be protected from all sin. That it will come with all the grace. Truly, the Prophet saw has said "many people are rizki because of one's sins, if only he repent overnight limpahan Rahmat Allahi tu spill him. Happened one who always pray for terangkatnya natural, not up - lift musibahnya to 15 years old he did not pray 1 doanya is granted, then he taught by one teacher said, "you try reptile, reptile out of you." "I do Rabb reptile, but I know tomorrow I will probably sin again. And at this time I reptile, tomorrow I submit to you, perhaps I may not do more, give me strength not to sin again. " With a glance doanya this God kabulkan doanya that 15 years was never granted by God. With the glory of repentance "innahu kaana tawwabaa" God is truly love people who repent. QS. An Nasr: 3. Reject the application Masihkah you love God, you masihkan reject the eternal love of God that makes you akan noble in the world and the Hereafter. Attendees - the presence, accept the palace - the palace in the luxury and eternal heaven, accept happiness and peace in the world. Have been taught by God "aatina fiddunya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah waqina adzabannar" kebahaagiaan world, happiness of the Hereafter, far from hell. Who can give? God .. God .. God .. God .. Call Name

Faquuluuu jamii'an (speak with the same) Ya Allah, Ya Allah .. Ya Allah .. Ya Allah ..

fiddunya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah waqina adzabannar .. Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah free of all debt, free from all natural, free from all sorrow. Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah .. Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah

Faquuluuu jamii'an (speak with the same) Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Laillahailallah Muhammadurrasulullah

Attendees - who honored the presence of God, in case if there is a call-demo, has been the firm's Teacher Mulia us not to dive and demonstration. We just struggle with prayer and with the business and we are trying to ask the candidates - presidential candidates who will ascend to disband Ahmadiyah, and has been received. So we do not struggle with violence and demos. We struggle with a fine, recommend and ask the candidates and the Vice President Capres which will increase to more Islamic. Ahmadiyah is not just, but the genitals, and do not have photos - photos porno in the streets. That we are perjuangkan, prayer is all the success. And we have to tell them that Rasulullah Saw Assembly will support leaders who support the city of Jakarta as Sayyidina Muhammad Saw. Each set later - the Governor of the region to open a branch - a branch of the Prophet Maulid chamber, opened a branch - a branch chamber Peace. Because this dzikir bring Peace and peace of the nation, not one for religion but for all religions. Islamnya if peace is peace. So the audience - the presence of God glorified.

And the announcement of the next, often perhaps I apologize over the audience - absent from the time I attended the invitation - an invitation. Concerning this disease (a test from Allah swt). This is just to take my degree, but the spirit is kesembuhannya you. The more you flushed, the more I healed. Likewise Allah. Treatment I have followed to here because Singapore already have a doctor conditions "that would Habib by me, should rest 1 full month." I say "no, if I have to leave 1 full month." My departure to Singapore, there are given sufficient treatment to burden our funding, but will not be up to 1 month. Can back - back, but some council terkorbankan that, for the senate I do not attend, I apologize and please ridho, please restu and please submit to the committee by Allah I correct - correct apologize. And for the council-chamber in the future, if there is I do not attend, I will be present if the wheelchair is able, but if more than that please do not force me. That which I ask of the audience - the presence.

Habaib me and the other is the same, if in case others are invited habaib, Kiai others not invited to attend, koq kecewanya quiet - quiet time. But if I do not even want to demo all if I did not attend because of anger if I did not attend. But Allah is full I just try, do not disappoint you every invitation. Allah and that comes with prayer - prayer time. Jamaah duren palm tomorrow night sorry been postponed 2X, Wednesday nights ago, delayed, delayed again Wednesday night, tomorrow night I will be present, I promise, does not need to worried anymore, I will attend. So the audience - the presence of the glorified God, Allah bestow Grace for us and we end this session with a prayer request to God with a good leader, a leader who brought peace. And remember, you defend Saw Assembly Prophet peace from the people until the people terbawah highest. So the audience - the presence. Tafadhol Masykura ..

Two more announcements, the excitement we, the certainty of our visits Guru Mulia Al Hafidz Al Musnid Al Habib Umar bin Hafidz on 13 April 2009. He will arrive in Jakarta to multaqa (meeting) scholars for almost 2 weeks. And he came to Jakarta 1 day only region to have direct 6 provinces. So there is no event, except in the event closing date of 26 April 2009, he will board with us in Istiqlal Mosque. Allah does not have his visits obstruction. We are back together in the Tabligh Akbar Teachers Mulia Al Hafidz we Musnid Al Habib Umar bin Al Hafidz. Cor Amin Amin Allah Remove all obstacles and provide ease of Allah. May Allah swt make this event a success with a prayer for our nation's prosperity for the nation we are. Cor Amin Amin Mulia Teachers hopefully we also are given health wal afiah and glory be to always be present. This shows that Indonesia has been signaling in the prosperity gate, the gate of pembenahan for Muslims - muslimat in the face of the earth. He was until this year to Indonesia, dating 3X. Month of February, this month and in December for the earth membenahi Indonesia. Hopefully the terbenahi with peace ..

Secondly, I apologize audience. This evening I come out of this chamber that do not have that can not shake because I do not like the salami. I heartily destroyed if there are outstretched hands on me I is not got a touch, my heart terenyuh and tercabik. I do not want to disappoint one hand is outstretched to me, but conditions in the night I seem to drop in once and I must hurry - hurry to arrive drumah. Attendees - the presence of the exalted God, I really love you. If you say "I do not want Habib attend unless I turn first to the Habib" I give my head to this board you would like for you to attend this lavish evening. But this night I ask the audience provided relief to me, we are united in the world and the Hereafter, and gather together Nabiyyuna Muhammad Saw. Because my hands so full of puncture needle is a bit disturbed by the audience if disalami. .

Washollallahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Nabiyyil Ummiy wa wa Sallam Shohbihi ..

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Last Updated (Majlis Rosulullah) (Monday, 06 April 2009)


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