Sincere and Intention
Of Umar bin Khattab radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah shallallahu' alaihi wasallam said: Surely all the work is (or not accepted in the sight of Allah) is only depending on the intention, and each person will only get what diniatkannya, then whoever hijrahnya to Allah and His Messenger, then hijrahnya to Allah and His Messenger, and whoever hijrahnya to get the world or a woman he will marry her, then hijrahnya to what he niatkan. HR. Muttafaq 'alaih.
From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah shallallahu' alaihi wasallam said: The person who first decided on the Day of Resurrection perkaranya is someone who died a martyr in the cause of Allah, then he brought, and shown him all the favors that have been given in the world to him, and he recognizes it, then God said to him: what have you done with this favor?
then he said: I fight in the street until you die a martyr, He said, you lie, but you said that the war so that you are a daredevil, and it has such a pronounced (you-telak praised praised dst as what rewards whom you have niatkan.pent.)
So he ordered that the tow faces to cast in the Fire.
And someone who taught and learn science, and menghapal al-Qur'an, and he brought and introduced to him all the favors that have been dikaruniakan in the world to him, then he recognizes it, then said to him: what have you done with this favor? then he said: I learn science and taught to others, and read the Qur'an for you.
And God said, you lie, but you will learn with the goal that you spelled a devout, and have read / menghapal al-Qur'an that you spelled a penghapal / readers of al-Qur'an is good, and all that is said ( you have got a compliment that you expect as a reward niatmu) and ordered that he face up in tow, so he was thrown to the fire of hell.
And someone that God gave him broad rizki and given him all kinds of property, and he brought and shown to him all the favors that have been given to him and he recognizes it, then God said to him: what you do with this bounty? then he said: there is no way that a property you like that has been provided so that you spend on it unless I have to spend that wealth on the road as you, then God said: You lie, but you do that so that you spelled out is a beneficent and that such was said (you have received praise in the world as a reward from the niatmu), and ordered that he face up in tow, so he was thrown to the fire of hell. HR.Muslim
Intention is the foundation of the act, so every human act received a bad intention with Allah, so whoever does the work of a pure intention for God and expect reward of the Hereafter, that is being done in accordance with the guidance of Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, the amalnya akan received by God, and the intention to anyone but Allah, or God is not as sincere as he menyekutukan with His creatures, the work will be rejected and will be a disaster for him.
Wisdom that can be taken from the above hadith:
From the requirement that the charity receives is the sincere intention with amalnya is because Allah Ta'ala.
The importance of sincere, heartfelt without charity as a disaster for the akan does the work, although it includes the work of a noble act of worship (such as giving charity, reading the Qur'an, teaches science for other people, even die a martyr in the battlefield against the the unbelievers).
That form a good job is not enough for the acceptance of charity in the sight of Allah akan but must at the same time with sincere intention.
Wajibnya intention to improve in all the deeds, and strive to always do in the single-minded.
> swap
5 years ago
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