Soul said to me O you who have been busy by Fatamorgana world ..... What you want to search from the world ...? Look ... there is no person who look you Lights also are reluctant to brighten your Yourself yourselves in the morning Allah fed up with sin sin your megrim ............... You to worship Him But you also engage in immoral acts to him Are you sure your pray received by him? Do you believe in your repentance by His goodness? Cry yourself weeping with sorrow Throughout the life

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Group of Seven Get Protection Day at the End of Allah

Group of Seven Get Protection Day at the End of God

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Saudariku brother who kucintai. This time we discuss the seven men who glorified by God in the life Hereafter.
Ikhwah fillah rahimakumullah, simaklah hadith of Rasulullah SAW, mutafaqun'alaih hadith, Bukhari Muslim shahih:
From the Prophet SAW, he said: "There are seven groups that will dinaungi by God under the patronage of His, on which there is no shade except His shade, namely:
A just leader, a young man with a grow of worship to God (for worship), someone whose heart depends to a mosque (always do prayer in congregation), two people who loved each other in the way of Allah, they gathered and separated for God, someone invited grand and beautiful women (for bezina), but he says: "I fear God," someone who is given to charity and then merahasiakannya left hand does not know what the right hand removed, and someone who berdzikir (remember) Allah in solitude, and meneteskan tears from his eyes. "(HR Bukhari)
Seven classes that will get protection from God that that day is not only protection but the protection of God.
The first, imamun fair, the leader of the fair, a fair judge. Subhanallah, foremost, the first to the protection of God. And the beloved country Indonesia is very sick for a just leader, a fair judge.
Second, youth are active, spirited, in worship to God SWT.Aktivitasnya juxtapose himself to Allah SWT.
The third, man, servant of God, which delighted his heart is in the mosque. He stand at the mosque. Shalat berjama'ah, he pleased, very early in the morning prayer in congregation he uphold. Allahu Akbar, this servant of God who truly believe in Allah.

Then the fourth, the person who bersedakah the right hand left hand, but gave not know. Subhanallah .. What is this? People Ikhlash, riya not, not ujub.
Then a fifth, of the mutual love for God, because to meet God, because God separated.
The sixth, this is very difficult, the youth dirayu, ribbing, by beautiful women who have wealth, and he said: "I fear God." Maksiatnya have the desire, but to feel fear God more powerfully, so that he does not want to do kemaksiatan. We are very sick for the youth, who have faith that the quality exceptional, so he's able to withstand various kinds of temptations.
Then the seventh, the youth, or the servant of God, or a person in ingatannya to God, in ibadahnya, in doanya, dzikirnya in, he wept. Allahu Akbar, crying .. Two drops of dibanggakan Allah on the Day of Resurrection, the first drop of blood fii sabilillah, two drops of water as crying, fear of the punishment of God, feel guilty because of all the sins that he did to God, because he is God's love.
Subhanallah .. This is the group that got the help of God come in the future. Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika asyhaduallaailaahailla Anta astaghfiruka wa atubuilaik. Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


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