Soul said to me O you who have been busy by Fatamorgana world ..... What you want to search from the world ...? Look ... there is no person who look you Lights also are reluctant to brighten your Yourself yourselves in the morning Allah fed up with sin sin your megrim ............... You to worship Him But you also engage in immoral acts to him Are you sure your pray received by him? Do you believe in your repentance by His goodness? Cry yourself weeping with sorrow Throughout the life

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We must remember

As a touch of naturalness and human conscience is the sense of despair, though slightly. Sometimes when we are faced with overwhelming problems (pain, heartbreak, etc.) that seems difficult to resolve, suddenly in our hearts there is a sense of loose and not sure will be able to finish it, not sure I can get out of trouble, well, this is desperate.

We must remember, that despair with no effort out of trouble, instead menhancurkan yourself, because it was desperate to kill the fighting spirit and optimism ..

And if someone had not despair, of course it could face anything as complicated as patiently, full of strength and composure to think he was trying to find how the solution. If this is strong, willing, Alloh would easily eliminated all the barriers, thanks to the determination and spirit burning fire.

Unfortunately, many of us are easily discouraged, so that any problems that are sometimes mild, responded with a full load, slow in progress, full of doubt and pessimism. In the Qur'an verses 87 yusuf letter written clearly, which means: you
nah, how?

Heart, when it broke out,

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Suddenly the front window was shattered. The reason only one, because a stone thrown by a man who with his hands without any sense of feeling and a wise and clear shot of his fingers into the glass window.

Someone, either dianya male sex, or sex
women, with no perasaanpun can do the same thing in human surroundings, whether it was his enemy, his friend, even though her boyfriend.

Heart, when it broke out, the yield lentak, difficult to put back together as normal, as were the windows. Another thing, if that glass was thick glass, stubborn, does not have an element of a smooth as glass crystal, which has a good refinement of shape, color and content, not so easy to put it together again as the original.

Thousands of apology that came out of sipelempar glass tadipun, not necessarily be the scars disappear, although with a million ways.

That is why, O beings who have minds and feelings within. We are not animals, which scratch easily anyone with the power lies with us. Powers of office, rank, wealth, power and even beauty, good looks, and excess interest and love ones. Even wild animals, still preyed thinker thinkers, we apatah human again.

Human beings will never escape the shortcomings and mistakes. However, if we lack this, will we use without reasonable consideration has been given by Allah Ta'ala to hurt our neighbor?

Fear mendzalimi oppression and others, because one of the prayers that no limits (which were answered) by Allah Ta'ala is, "Benediction people in dzalimi".

Do not think God slept. God never sleeps. Do not think that our prayers dzalimi people ignore Allah, the Exalted, and do not guessed, the Palestinians and the prayers of any people left terdzalimi Allaah. No ,..!! God I never sleep, we must believe it. Just wait for the game date. When Allah the Exalted has said: "" Kun "= be it, then" fayakun "= there he".

Therefore, let us start from things that seem trivial, stay away from doing dzalim to anyone. Dzalim not only an armistice, rude, harsh words, dzalim could apply to all the attitude and the condescending words, insults, corruption, and all line-lika-wound, Meander kehidupan.Karena caution when injured, such as hard again original.

"Quantum Wallohu wa laa yaAAlamu Ta'lamun"
deliver even a single paragraph

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh

Get familiar positive thinking


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

Get familiar positive thinking

There are angry ...

There are annoyed .....

While a writer to write the article, When a writer to write his experience he might upset, .. because there is wearing on him he was mad at the writers, but do not know Or sipenulis he knew the author, and do not intend sipenulis
menyindirnya, Let's say, .. the words and writers who wore a sharp hit him.

Try us consider the word-the word of God, please .. ponder ....

A lot of sarcastic and wore away, the behavior and attitude
It's just cool Or maybe we did not want to read it
Or even we felt there was nothing mean When the author writes without any intention ..

Uh .. the reader to feel exposed and tersindir,. Sipenulis do not know him yet Even if we truly understand and reflect on
oracles of God's will so much more things that hit us, but. maybe we are less aware of

Or we less often read Or we often read it. But do not absorb and comprehend its meaning, Are we angry and upset at the Khaliq, when God says:

Do not you think berburuk, because suspicion of a sin?

Do not you hurt your parents

Do not set your neighbor mendzalimi

Do not be mocked and insulted your fellow

Then, when God says and tells the story of the first, if we are angry Do we say, what we get from the content

Does God explains in detail the benefits of the stories in the Quran?

No. .. God just say: Take pelajaranlah by you

But unfortunately we are not smart people take lessons
from the stories we wants a child who fed exclusively mother
Tau was first given for the benefit ..

No, Allah always gives lessons in various forms in humans Studies of law, order, prohibition, the stories and the most in the Quran instead of stories.

This is why? Because God is known by human Ceritalah easier to digest

But .. of course not all people can understand what the
implied from the explicit Not all men use his mind to clear and clean heart

This is all because of the heart, mind, and our conscience is not always positive thinking

Thingking berpositive get used to it takes time and training exercises One is with a lot of patience
read in many ways.

Many human understanding, a lot of other people read,

many associate with various patterns of community

Look at the Prophet and his companions lived in the human face even less sense if we are angry, upset against writing one, should have ourselves a question.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


ini ada postingan di tread "hakikat tasawuf dan sufi" nah ada kata salafiyah ini postingannya: "Bisa Jadi Salafisme/Wahabisme Itulah Yang Tersesat Salafiyah Tidak seperti yang kami duga sebelumnya, mungkin juga anda, almarhum Syeikh Ghazali, DR. Yusuf Qaradhawi, DR. Ramdhan al-Bouti, DR. Aly Gum'ah Mufti Mesir, dan sejumlah tokoh Islam lainnya yang selama ini dikenal moderat, ternyata juga tak luput dari hujatan, dibid'ahkan, bahkan kadang dianggap berpikiran sesat, oleh sekelompok orang yang mengaku salafi. Syeikh Ghazali menamakan kelompok yang kerap mengaku paling salafi ini sebagai Salafi-Baru. Tak cukup individu saja yang dikecam, organisasi-organisasi sosial-keagamaan yang tidak sejalan dengan pemikirannya, seperti Nahdhatul Ulama (NU), Jama'ah Thoriqoh Muktabarok (Thoriqoh yang diakui keabsyahannya di dunia Islam), Ikhwan Muslimin, dll, pun juga kena semprot bahkan dikatakan sesat. Seringkali yang terakhir ini diplesetkan menjadi Ikhwanul Muflisin. Fenomena ini, dalam konteks kepentingan Islam global, tentu sangat tidak menarik, bahkan mengkhawatirkan! Karena mengganggu soliditas dan persaudaraan umat. Juga mengganggu konsentrasi primer yang lebih mendesak untuk digarap umat Islam dewasa ini, yaitu pendangkalan pemahaman hakikat Islam, mengentas kemiskinan, mengejar ketinggalan dalam bidang pendidikan, hi-tec, wawasan peran global dan hal krusial lainnya. Terma Salaf Secara etimologis, kata salaf sepadan dengan kata qablu. Artinya setiap sesuatu yang sebelum kita. Lawan kata salaf adalah khalaf (generasi setelah kita). Kata ini kemudian menjadi sebuah terminologi untuk menunjuk pada generasi keemasan Islam, tiga generasi pertama Islam: para Sahabat, Tabi'in dan Tabi' Tabi'in atau Salaf Shalih. Istilah ini merujuk pada hadis Nabi: Khairul quruni qarni..... (H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim). Dalam wacana Islam kontemporer, kata salaf kemudian diimbuhi ya nisbat pada hurup akhirnya: menjadi salafi, kadang juga salafiyah dengan penambahan ta, setelah ya, untuk menunjuk pada kelompok Islam yang menjadikan cara berpikir dan suluk generasi salaf sebagai sumber inspirasi. Bahkan beberapa kelompok salafi menganggapnya sebagai mazhab. Terma salafi pada perkembangan berikutnya, mengalami metamorfosis dan tidak bisa diartikan tunggal lagi. Kalimat itu menjadi multi makna. Sikap tak terburu-buru dalam analisis menjadi sebuah keniscayaan ketika menemukan kalimat salafi. Karena pada tingkat sesama pemikir saja, umpamanya, konotasinya bisa berbeda satu sama lain. Misalnya, Goerge Tharabisi dan Aziz Azmah, menggunakan kata salafi untuk sesuatu yang pejoratif: untuk menunjuk arus pemikiran atau kelompok yang anti segala hal yang berbau modernitas dan anti pembaharuan. Lawan dari terma salafi model ini adalah progresif (taqadumi). Sementara, Abid Jabiri, Fahmi jad'an, dan sebagian orientalis menggunakan istilah salafi untuk menunjuk pada setiap gerakan atau pemikiran Islam, yang menjadikan al-Qur'an dan Hadis sebagai sumber utama pemikirannya. Makna yang terakhir ini cakupan lebih luas: memasukan banyak tokoh dan kelompok Islam, baik yang moderat, "literal" -dzahiriyah judud, dan semua kecenderungan pemikiran yang menjadikan al-Qur'an dan Hadis sebagai rujukan utama. Pada tingkatan klaim antar sesama kelompok pengikut salafi, juga tak kalah ruwetnya. Banyak sekali kelompok yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai salafi hakiki. Di Kuwait, misalnya, data menunjukkan ada lima kelompok yang sama-sama mengaku sebagai salafi, satu sama lain saling kecam dan mendaku sebagai yang paling sah. Sejatinya, salaf bukanlah sebuah mazhab dan juga bukan personifikasi individu. Seperti pernah disinggung di atas, ia adalah sebuah generasi yang disabdakan Nabi sebagai generasi terbaik, yang mencakup tiga generasi Islam pertama. Kenapa dianggap yang terbaik? Karena mereka adalah generasi yang paling dekat, dengan pengertian seluas-luasnya, dengan masa kenabian. Terutama generasi pertama yang langsung dapat bimbingan dari Rasulullah Saw. Apa makna hadis ini bagi generasi setelahnya? Hadis ini mengajak kita semua untuk menjadikan metode berpikir dan cara bersikap mereka sebagai sumber inspirasi. Bukan malah dijadikan mazhab! Maka tak semua yang mengaku salafi akan otomatis berpikiran kolot. Tergantung kepada artikulasi dan cara memahami pola berpikir dan suluk salaf shalih itu sendiri. Dalam pandangan saya, salafi sejati tidak akan berpikir dan bersikap kaku. Dan kata salaf sendiri secara bahasa sangat netral dan sama sekali tidak mengandung arti pejoratif. Hanya saja, karena berbagai faktor, pada akhirnya, istilah salafi sangat identik dengan kelompok Wahabi, sebuah aliran yang didirikan Syeikh Muhamad Bin Abdul Wahab (1703-1791) di Najd, Arab Saudi. Sebagian dari mereka, ada perasaan bahwa dirinya lah yang paling salafi. Mereka sendiri, sebetulnya lebih enjoy dipanggil salafi, daripada Wahabi. Tapi, sayangnya ditangan mereka, makna salafi kemudian dicederai, dikerangkeng pada permasalahan furu'iyah dan perdebatan-perdebatan lama ulama klasik, baik di bidang Fikih, Ilmu Kalam, Tashawuf. Dalam Fikih mereka lebih konsen: membid'ah-bid'ahkan tradisi maulid nabi, ziarah, tawasul dan yang sejenisnya. Dalam Ilmu Kalam, alih-alih menanamkan hakikat makna tauhid, mereka memperdebatkan kembali tentang, misalnya, asma wa sifat dan bahayanya menta'wil ayat ar-Rahmanu 'ala al-'arsyi istawa dengan tawil sebagai kinayah dari keagungan Allah Swt, dll. Mereka akan mengecam siapa pun yang tidak sejalan dengan alur pemikirannya. Tak heran, kalau dicermati karya-karyanya, maka kita akan menemukan daftar-daftar bid'ah mulai yang klasik sampai bid'ah kontemporer. Judulnya pun bisa kita tebak seputar rad wa al'tirad mandul: fulan dalam timbangan Islam, mengcounter pemikiran fulan atau menelanjangi pemikiran fulan. Tentu saja bukan berarti kita tidak boleh untuk mendiskusikan kembali soal-soal di atas. Yang tidak boleh adalah menjadikan permasalahan di atas sebagai prioritas utama. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan sebagai pengantar singkat untuk membedah dan mendiskusikan kembali metode dan gerakan Salafi-Wahabi saja. Tak akan membahas gerakan salafi secara umum. Sudah kita maklumi semua, akhir-akhir ini, dalam beberapa hal, sebagian oknum yang berafiliasi pada kelompok Salafi-Wahabi dianggap kerap melakukan tindakkan-tindakkan yang berpotensi merusak citra Islam, meresahkan dan banyak menimbulkan perpecahan dikalangan intern umat Islam. Tidak hanya di Timur Tengah, tapi juga di negara-negara dimana ada komunitas Islamnya, termasuk di Barat. "Lawannya" pun di batasi hanya dari kelompok-kelompok moderat saja: Syeikh Qaradhawi cs. Artinya, kritikan-kritkan keras Wahabi yang ada di tulisan ini, ditunjukkan buat tokoh-tokoh di atas yang selama ini dianggap moderat dan diakui otoritas keilmuannya. Poinnya, betapa sama tokoh moderat pun Wahabi masih merasa kegerahan. Sebelum mengenal lebih jauh tentang dasar pemikiran Salafi-Wahabi, ada baiknya kita petakan secara sederhana dulu gerakan awal salafi, dengan menjadikan Mesir, Maroko dan Saudi sebagai sampel. Peta Gerakan Salafi Gerakan Salafi, lebih-lebih mulai awal abad 19 M. tidak hanya disuarakan di Arab Saudi saja, tapi juga di berbagai negara Islam, diantaranya Mesir, dan Maroko. Yang menyatukan gerakan salafi ditiga negara itu adalah keseriusannya terhadap pemberantasan bid'ah, purifikasi akidah, perlawanan atas gerakan tasawuf. Mungkin karena suasana dan tuntutan lingkungan yang berbeda, membuat Salafi Maroko dan Mesir dengan Jamaludin al-Afghani dan Muhamad Abduh sebagai pionirnya kemudian mempunyai kekhasan yang tidak dimiliki Salafi-Saudi atau Salafi-Wahabi. Misalnya, Salafi Maroko dan Mesir bisa lebih terbuka dengan modernitas dan tidak berhenti berkutat pada persoalan purifikasi akidah saja. Mereka mengalami lompatan perjuangan. Dalam kasus salafi Mesir, mereka langsung bergelut dengan problem kebangsaan yang sedang dihadapi. Abduh berani melakukan pembaharuan keagamaan, bahasa Arab dan reformasi fundamental metode pendidikan di universitas al-Azhar. Salafi Mesir juga bergabung bersama pemerintah mengangkat senjata untuk mengusir penjajahan Perancis. Hal yang sama pun berlaku bagi kelompok Salafi Maroko. Sementara Salafi Arab Saudi dihadapkan pada kenyataan lain. Mereka sibuk bertempur dengan saudara seagama. Secara eksternal dan dengan diback-up Inggris, mereka berperang melawan Dinasti Ustmani. Pada tingkat internal mereka keasyikan melakukan purifikasi akidah dan memberantas tarekat-tarekat sufi yang saat itu berkembang pesat di Arab Saudi. Latar belakang inilah mungkin yang kemudian bisa menjelaskan kenapa kelompok salafi Arab Saudi sangat keras: berpikir sempit dan kolot. Dasar-Dasar Pemikiran Salafi-Wahabi Apresiasi kita sama Wahabi yang sangat peduli dengan laku sunah, otentifikasi sanad hadis, purifikasi akidah dengan memberantas bid'ah-bid'ah, tak bisa menghapus kesan kuat, bahwa secara umum, baik dalam bidang pemikiran, keagamaan, sosial dan politik sebagian orang yang berafiliasi kepada Wahabi banyak mengadopsi pendapat-pendapat keras-kaku. Mulai dari mengharamkan sistem demokrasi, sistem partai, konsep nation-state, kepemimpinan wanita bahkan wanita tidak boleh menyetir mobil sendiri, membid'ahkan maulid Nabi, ziarah kubur, zikir jama'ah, anti sufi sampai fatwa haram menggunakan sendok makan (lihat misalnya fatwa salah satu tokoh Salafi-Wahabi Yaman, Syeikh Muqbil dalam bukunya: as-Shawaiq Fi Tahrim Malaiq atau Halilintar: Tentang Haramnya Memakai Sendok. Mencermati daftar permasalahan-permasalahan yang disesatkan-dibid'ahkan oleh mereka, maka kita akan berkesimpulan, bahwa kebanyakan daftar itu masuk wilayah mukhtaf fihi: suatu wilayah yang masih dan akan selalu diperdebatkan karena berangkat dari dalil yang tidak qath'i ats-tsubut wa ad-dilalah atau tidak ada ijma ulama. Sebetulnya sikap ulama klasik sudah sangat jelas dan bijak, bahwa dalam wilayah yang masih mukhtalaf fihi, siapa pun tidak boleh memaksakan pendapatnya. Karena akan terjebak pada fanatisme bermazhab dan perpecahan seperti sekarang ini. Semua orang bebas dengan pilihannya. Pertanyaannya: apa gerangan yang menyebabkan konsentrasi mayoritas dari mereka tersedot pada hal-hal yang masih diperdebatkan? Apa yang membuat mereka seolah lupa bahwa masalah pokok umat Islam sekarang adalah kemiskinan, ketinggalan dalam bidang pendidikan, hi-tech dan bidang primer lainnya? Realitas di atas terjadi karena dasar pemikiran mereka banyak berlandaskan pada, diantaranya: 1.Ada pembalikan skala prioritas pada cara berpikir dan bertindaknya. Misalnya, mereka lebih memilih meneriakan slogan bid'ah-sesat pada orang yang merayakan acara maulid, ziarah kubur, dll yang hukumnya masih mukhtaf fihi, walapun berpotensi mengancam persatuan umat. Karena jelas sikap keras itu akan menimbulkan ketersinggungan dan menimbulkan aksi balas yang kontra-produktif. 2.Dalam bidang pengetahuan agama, mereka terlalu konsen dengan menghafalkan tumpukan matan-syarah kitab, dan sibuk dengan fikih furu'iyah yang sering tidak di bandingi dengan pengetahuan kontemporer, sehingga yang terjadi adalah keluarnya fatwa-fatwa keras pada soal khilafiyah yang sering bertabrakan dengan kemaslahatan umat. 3.Menutup pintu kebenaran dari pendapat orang lain. Seolah yang benar hanya dirinya saja. Efeknya mereka menekan orang lain untuk ikut pendapatnya. Bahkan sebagian dari mereka tak segan untuk menyesatkan ulama yang berfatwa kebalikan dari pendapatnya. Lihat misalnya kasus yang menimpa pengarang buku best seller, La Tahzan, Dr. 'Aidh al-Qarni yang dikecam habis gara-gara berfatwa wanita boleh tak memakai cadar dan boleh ikut pemilu. Hal yang sama juga pernah menimpa almarhum Syeikh Ghazali dan Syeikh Qaradhawi. 4.Sering me-blowup permasalahan ajaran sufi, ziarah kubur, maulid nabi, tawasul dan sejenisnya, seolah-olah ukuran tertinggi antara yang hak dan bathil. Tapi pada saat yang sama mereka tidak peduli pada kebijakan publik dari pemerintahnya yang kadang tidak berpihak pada kepentingan rakyat dan umat Islam. Mereka taat total pada penguasa yang kadang kebijakannya tidak arif. Sangat jarang, kalau tak dikatakan tak ada, tokoh-tokoh Wahabi melakukan kritik pedas pada pemerintahan Arab saudi soal soal sistem pemerintah, kebijakan penjualan minyak, kebijakan politik luar negeri, lebih-lebih mengkritik "kedekatan" pemerintahanya sama Amerika dan sekutunya. 5.Terlalu mengagungkan tokoh-tokoh kuncinya, semisal Ibnu Taymiah, Bin Baz, dll, sehingga mengurangi nalar kritis. Padahal, pada saat yang sama mereka berteriak anti taklid! 6.Terlalu asyik dengan permasalahan mukhlataf fihi, sehingga sering lalai dengan kepentingan global umat Islam 7.Terlalu tekstualis, sehingga sering menyisihkan pentingnya akal dan kerap alergi dengan hal-hal baru. Lembaran Hitam di Balik Penampilan Keren Kaum Wahabi : Ke mana-mana selalu menyebarkan salam. Selalu memakai baju bercorak gamis dan celana putih panjang ke bawah lutut, ciri-khas orang Arab. Jenggotnya dibiarkannya lebat dan terkesan menyeramkan. Slogannya pemberlakuan syariat Islam. Perjuangannya memberantas syirik, bid ah, dan khurafat. Referensinya, al-Kitab dan Sunah yang sahih. Semuanya serba keren, valid, islami. Begitulah kira-kira penampilan kaum Wahabi. Sepintas dan secara lahiriah meyakinkan, mengagumkan. Tapi jangan tertipu dulu dengan setiap penampilan keren. Kata pepatah jalanan, tidak sedikit di antara mereka yang memakai baju TNI, ternyata penipu, bukan tentara. Pada masa Rasulullah r, di antara tipologi kaum Khawarij yang benih-benihnya mulai muncul pada masa beliau, adalah ketekunan mereka dalam melakukan ibadah melebihi ibadah kebanyakan orang, sehingga beliau perlu memperingatkan para Sahabat t dengan bersabda, Kalian akan merasa kecil, apabila membandingkan ibadah kalian dengan ibadah mereka. Demikian pula halnya dengan kaum Wahabi, yang terkadang memakai nama keren kaum Salafi . Apabila diamati, sekte yang didirikan oleh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab an-Najdi (1115-1206 H/1703-1791 M), sebagai kepanjangan dari pemikiran dan ideologi Ibnu Taimiyah al-Harrani (661-728 H/1263-1328 M), akan didapati sekian banyak kerapuhan dalam sekian banyak aspek keagamaan. A. Sejarah Hitam Sekte Wahabi, seperti biasanya sekte-sekte yang menyimpang dari manhaj Islam Ahlusunah wal Jamaah memiliki lembaran-lembaran hitam dalam sejarah. Kerapuhan sejarah ini setidaknya dapat dilihat dengan memperhatikan sepak terjang Wahabi pada awal kemunculannya. Di mana agresi dan aneksasi (pencaplokan) terhadap kota-kota Islam seperti Mekah, Madinah, Thaif, Riyadh, Jeddah, dan lain-lain, yang dilakukan Wahabi bersama bala tentara Amir Muhammad bin Saud, mereka anggap sebagai jihad fi sabilillah seperti halnya para Sahabat menaklukkan Persia dan Romawi atau Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih menaklukkan Konstantinopel. Selain menghalalkan darah kaum Muslimin yang tinggal di kota-kota Hijaz dan sekitarnya, kaum Wahabi juga menjarah harta benda mereka dan menganggapnya sebagai ghan mah (hasil jarahan perang) yang posisinya sama dengan jarahan perang dari kaum kafir. Hal ini berangkat dari paradigma Wahabi yang mengkafirkan kaum Muslimin dan menghalalkan darah dan harta benda kaum Muslimin Ahlusunah wal Jamaah pengikut mazhab Hanafi, Maliki, Syafi i, dan Hanbali yang tinggal di kota-kota itu. Lembaran hitam sejarah ini telah diabadikan dalam kitab asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahh b; Aq datuhus-Salafiyyah wa Da watuhul-Ishl hiyyah karya Ahmad bin Hajar Al-Buthami (bukan Al-Haitami dan Al- Asqalani) ulama Wahabi kontemporer dari Qatar , dan dipengantari oleh Abdul Aziz bin Baz. B. Kerapuhan Ideologi Dalam akidah Ahlusunah wal Jamaah, berdasarkan firman Allah, Tidak ada sesuatu pun yang serupa dengan Dia (Allah) (QS asy-Syura [42]: 11), dan dalil aqli yang definitif, di antara sifat wajib bagi Allah adalah mukh lafah lil-haw dits, yaitu Allah berbeda dengan segala sesuatu yang baru (alam). Karenanya, Allah itu ada tanpa tempat dan tanpa arah. Dan Allah itu tidak duduk, tidak bersemayam di Arasy, tidak memiliki organ tubuh dan sifat seperti manusia. Dan menurut ijmak ulama salaf Ahlusunah wal Jamaah, sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh al-Imam Abu Ja far ath-Thahawi (227-321 H/767-933 M), dalam al- Aq dah ath-Thah wiyyah, orang yang menyifati Allah dengan sifat dan ciri khas manusia (seperti sifat duduk, bersemayam, bertempat, berarah, dan memiliki organ tubuh), adalah kafir. Hal ini berangkat dari sifat wajib Allah, mukh lafah lil-haw dits. Sementara Wahabi mengalami kerapuhan fatal dalam hal ideologi. Mereka terjerumus dalam faham tajs m (menganggap Allah memiliki anggota tubuh dan sifat seperti manusia) dan tasyb h (menyerupakan Allah dengan makhluk-Nya). Padahal menurut al-Imam asy-Syafi i (150-204 H/767-819 M) seperti diriwayatkan olah as-Suyuthi (849-910 H/1445-1505 M) dalam al-Asyb h wan-Nazh ir, orang yang berfaham tajs m, adalah kafir. Karena berarti penolakan dan pengingkaran terhadap firman Allah, Tidak ada sesuatu pun yang serupa dengan Dia (Allah). (QS asy-Syura [42]: 11) C. Kerapuhan Tradisi Di antara ciri khas Ahlusunah wal Jamaah adalah mencintai, menghormati, dan mengagungkan Rasulullah, para Sahabat, ulama salaf yang saleh, dan generasi penerus mereka yang saleh seperti para habaib dan kiai yang diekspresikan dalam bentuk tradisi semisal tawasul, tabarruk, perayaan maulid, haul, dan lain-lain. Sementara kaum Wahabi mengalami kerapuhan tradisi dalam beragama, dengan tidak mengagungkan Nabi r, yang diekspresikan dalam pengafiran tawasul dengan para nabi dan para wali. Padahal tawasul ini, sebagaimana terdapat dalam Hadis-Hadis sahih dan data-data kesejarahan yang mutaw tir, telah dilakukan oleh Nabi Adam u, para Sahabat t, dan ulama salaf yang saleh. Sehingga dengan pandangannya ini, Wahabi berarti telah mengafirkan Nabi Adam, para Sahabat, ahli Hadis, dan ulama salaf yang saleh yang menganjurkan tawasul. Bahkan lebih jauh lagi, Nashiruddin al-Albani ulama Wahabi kontemporer sejak lama telah menyerukan pembongkaran al-qubbah al-khadhr (kubah hijau yang menaungi makam Rasulullah ) dan menyerukan pengeluaran jasad Nabi dari dalam Masjid Nabawi, karena dianggapnya sebagai sumber kesyirikan. Al-Albani juga telah mengeluarkan fatwa yang mengafirkan al-Imam al-Bukhari, karena telah melakukan takwil dalam ash-Shahih-nya. Demikian sekelumit dari ratusan kerapuhan ideologis Wahabi. Dari sini, kita perlu berhati-hati dengan karya-karya kaum Wahabi, sekte radikal yang lahir di Najd. Dalam Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, dan lain-lain, Nabi r bersabda, Di Najd, akan muncul generasi pengikut Setan . Menurut para ulama, maksud generasi pengikut Setan dalam Hadis ini adalah kaum Wahabi.. Poin-poin di atas, menggiring kita pada kesimpulan bahwa Salafi-Modern mengalami krisis metodologis dan krisis fikih prioritas. Maka tak terlalu mengherankan kalau mereka juga biasa mengecam keras, dan sering gerah dengan sikap dan pendapat tokoh yang saya sebutkan di mukadimah yang dikenal moderat dan mumpuni secara keilmuan. Kesimpulan ini tentu tidak bisa digenerilisir begitu saja kepada semua Salafi-Wahabi. Karena ini sikap yang tidak ilmiah dan tak adil. Tapi, minimal, kalau kita amati buku-buku yang beredar tentang salafi yang ditulis oleh kalangan mereka, juga mengamati milist, maupun website yang dikelolanya, sedikit banyak anda mungkin akan setuju dengan kesimpulan saya. Lebih-lebih kalau yang dijadikan sampel adalah kalangan generasi mudanya. Ada satu hal yang perlu digarisbawahi, dengan kritikan ini tidak berarti kita memandang remeh pada hal-hal yang mereka bahas. Juga tak berarti mereka tidak boleh memilih pendapat-pendapat yang menjadi keyakinannya. Itu adalah hak mereka. Yang salah adalah ketika pendapat-pendapat itu diekspor melewati teritorialnya kemudian dipaksakan kepada orang lain. Dan siapa saja yang menolak atau tidak ikut pendapatnya maka akan dihukumi bid'ah, bodoh akan hukum Islam dan disesatkan!

There are posts in the tread "the essence of Sufism and Sufi" nah no word salafiyah
This postingannya:
"Can So Salafism / Wahhabism That's The Lost

Unlike Salafiyah we previously thought, perhaps you, the late Sheikh Ghazali, DR. Yusuf Qaradawi, DR. Ramdhan al-Bouti, DR. Aly Gum'ah Mufti of Egypt, and some other Muslim leaders have been known to moderate, was also not escaped the blasphemy, dibid'ahkan, sometimes even considered heretical thought, by a group of people who claim to salafi. Sheikh Ghazali calls the group most often claim this as a Salafi salafi-New.

Not enough individuals are condemned, social organizations, religious inconsistent with the rationale, such as Nahdhatul Ulama (NU), Jema'ah Thoriqoh Muktabarok (keabsyahannya recognized Thoriqoh in the Islamic world), the Ikhwan Muslimin, etc., were also subject to spray say even heretical. Often the latter diplesetkan be Muflisin Brotherhood.

This phenomenon, in the context of the global Islamic interests, certainly not very attractive, even worried! Because the solidity and brotherhood disturbing people. Also interfere with the primary concentration of the more urgent to work on today's Muslims, namely pendangkalan understanding of the nature of Islam, reduce poverty, to catch up in education, hi-tec, insight global role and other crucial things.

Terma Salaf

Etymologically, the word Salaf commensurate with qablu said. This means every thing is before us. Salaf is the opposite Khalaf (generation after us). These words later became a term to refer to the golden generation of Islam, the first three generations of Islam: the Companions, Tabi'in and Tabi 'Tabi'in or Salaf Salih. This term refers to the hadith of the Prophet: Khairul Qarni quruni ..... (H. R. Bukhari and Muslim).

In contemporary Islamic discourse, the word salaf then yes diimbuhi letters nisbat at the end: a salafi, sometimes with the addition salafiyah hand, after it, to refer to Islamic groups who made a way of thinking and mysticism generations of the Salaf as an inspiration. Even some groups regard as a school salafi.

Terma salafi in the next stage, metamorphosed and can not be interpreted single again. The sentence was to be a multi-meaning. Attitude no hurry in the analysis becomes a necessity to find a sentence salafi. Because the level of fellow thinkers have, for example, its connotation can be different from one another. For example, George Tharabisi and Aziz Azmah, using the word salafi pejoratif for something: to show the flow of thought or groups who are against all things anti-modernity and renewal. Salafi including opponents of this model is progressive (taqadumi). Meanwhile, Abid Jabiri, Fahmi jad'an, and some use the term salafi orientalis to refer to any movement or Islamic thought, which makes the Qur'an and Hadith as the main source of his thinking. This latter meaning a wider scope: includes many figures and Islamic groups, both moderate, "literally"-dzahiriyah judud, and all trends of thought which makes the Qur'an and Hadith as the primary reference.

At the level of claims between the members of the group salafi followers, was also ruwetnya. Lots of groups who claim to be salafi essential. In Kuwait, for example, the data shows there are five groups who are equally admitted as salafi, each other and claiming Kecam as the most legitimate.

Indeed, the Salaf is not a school nor a personification of the individual. As has been mentioned above, he is a prophet disabdakan generation as the best generation, which includes the first three generations of Islam. Why are considered the best? Because they are the generation most closely, with the widest sense, with the prophecy. Especially the first generation that can direct guidance of the Prophet. What is the meaning of this tradition for generations thereafter? This Hadith invites us all to make the method of thinking and the way they act as a source of inspiration. Used instead of schools! So not all who claim to be salafi automatically think conservative. Depending on the articulation and how to understand patterns of thinking and mysticism itself righteous salaf. In my view, will not be a true salafi thinking and being rigid. And the word Salaf is the language itself is very neutral and does not imply pejoratif.

Only, because of various factors, in the end, the term salafi is identical to the Wahabi group, founded a school of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdul Wahab (1703-1791) in the Najd, Saudi Arabia. Some of them, there is a feeling that he was the most salafi. Their own, they are more enjoy called salafi, than Wahabi.

But, unfortunately, their hands, meaning salafi then injured, caged in furu'iyah problems and long debates classical scholars, both in the field of Jurisprudence, Science Kalam, Tashawuf. In the more concentrated their Jurisprudence: membid'ah-maulid bid'ahkan prophet tradition, pilgrimage, tawasul and the like. In the Science of Kalam, instead of instilling the essence of the meaning of unity, they argue back about, for example, asthma and dangerous nature of the wa menta'wil ar-paragraph Rahmanu 'ala al-Tawil'arsyi as istawa with kinayah of the greatness of God exalted, etc.. They will condemn anyone who is not in line with the flow of thoughts. No wonder, if the scrutiny of his work, then we will find lists of heresy from the classical to the contemporary heresy. The title can we guess about al'tirad sterile wa rad: So and so the balance of Islam, mengcounter thought so and so or so and so bare thinking. Of course that does not mean we should not return to discuss the questions above. Which should not be a problem at the top make a top priority.

This paper is intended as a brief introduction to dissect and discuss the methods and re-Wahabi Salafi movement alone. Will not discuss the salafi movement in general. We tolerate all, lately, in some cases, some elements that are affiliated to the Salafi-Wahabi groups are often considered to tindakkan-tindakkan potentially damaging the image of Islam, raises disturbing and many internal divisions among Muslims. Not only in the Middle East, but also in countries where there are Islamic community, including in the West. "The opposition" even in the limit of moderate groups only: Sheikh Qaradawi et al. That is, criticism, harsh Wahhabi kritkan in this paper, shown for figures over who had been considered a moderate and recognized scientific authority. The point, how each character had moderate Wahhabi still feel the heat. Before you know more about the rationale Salafi-Wahabi, it's good we simply map the first initial salafi movement, by making Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia as a sample.

Salafi Movement Map

Salafi movement, much less start early 19th century AD not only voiced in Saudi Arabia alone, but also in various Islamic countries, including Egypt, and Morocco. Salafi movement that unites the country is ditiga seriousness of the eradication of heresy, purification creed, resistance to Sufism. Perhaps because of the atmosphere and the demands of different environments, making Salafi Morocco and Egypt with Jamaludin al-Afghani and Muhammad Abduh as a pioneer and has a specificity that is not owned by Saudi-Salafi-Wahhabi or Salafi. For example, Morocco and Egypt Salafi be more open to modernity and do not stop to dwell on all creeds purification problems. They have leap struggle. In the case of Egyptian salafi, they wrestle with the problems facing nationality. Abduh dare religious reform, Arabic and fundamental reforms in the educational methods of al-Azhar university. Salafi Egypt also joined with the government to take up arms to expel the French colonial period. The same is also true for Morocco Salafi groups.

While the Salafi Saudi Arabia faced with another reality. They are busy fighting a civil religion. Externally and backed-up by the British, they fought against Ustmani Dynasty. At the internal level of fun doing them and eliminate purification creed Sufi orders, which then flourished in Saudi Arabia. This background is then possible to explain why the salafi groups Saudi Arabia is very hard: the narrow and old-fashioned thinking.

Thinking Basics Salafi-Wahabi

Wahabi same appreciation that we cared enough to do the sunna, hadith narrators authentication, purification creeds with combat heresy-heretic, can not erase a strong impression, that in general, both in the field of thought, religious, social, political and some people who affiliated to the Wahhabi many opinions to adopt hard-stiff. Starting from proscribe the democratic system, party system, the concept of nation-state, women's leadership can not even drive her own car, membid'ahkan maulid Prophet, grave pilgrimage, remembrance jama'ah, anti-Sufi until the fatwa haram to use a spoon to eat (see eg Fatwa one of the Salafi-Wahhabi Yemen, Sheikh Muqbil in his book: as-Shawaiq Fi Tahrim Malaiq or Lightning: About Wearing Spoon illegitimate.

Looking at the list of problems-dibid'ahkan led astray by them, then we would conclude, that most of the list entry fihi mukhtaf region: a region that is still and will always be debated because the argument departs from the ATS-qath'i not tsubut wa ad -dilalah or no scholarly consensus scholars. Actually, the attitude of classical scholars is very clear and wise, that the region still mukhtalaf fihi, anyone should not impose his opinion. Since going to be stuck on bermazhab fanaticism and division as now. Everyone is free with his choice.

The question is: what was the concentration that causes the majority of them sucked on the things that are still debated? What made them forget that as Muslims the main problem today is poverty, left behind in education, hi-tech and other primary field?

Reality on the place because of their rationale is based on many, including:

1.Ada priority scale reversal on how to think and bertindaknya. For example, they prefer slogans heresy meneriakan lost on those who celebrate the event Maulid, grave pilgrimages, etc are still mukhtaf fihi law, even if potentially threaten the unity of the people. Because obviously that tough talk would cause irritation and cause of action back to counter-productive.

2.Dalam field of religious knowledge, they are too concentrated to memorize the stack-Sharh honor books, and busy with a lot furu'iyah jurisprudence is not in bandingi with contemporary knowledge, so that there are fatwas out loud at the question khilafiyah often collided with benefit the people.

3.Menutup door of truth from other people's opinions. As if that was just him alone. The effect they press others to join his opinion. Even some of them do not hesitate to mislead scholars who berfatwa opposite of opinion. See for example the case against the author of best-selling book, La Tahzan, Dr. 'Aidh al-Qarni been condemned because berfatwa women may not wear a veil and allowed to vote. The same thing had happened to the late Sheikh Ghazali and Sheikh Qaradawi.

Blowup 4.Sering had problems Sufi teachings, pilgrimage grave, Maulid prophet, tawasul and the like, as if the ultimate size of the rights and false. But at the same time they do not care about the public policy of the government who sometimes do not take sides in the interests of the people and the Muslims. Their total obedience to authority that is sometimes not wise policy. Very rarely, if not say no, the characters do excoriation Wahabi in Saudi Arabia about the government about the government system, the oil sales policy, foreign policy, much less criticize "closeness" as pemerintahanya America and its allies.

5.Terlalu glorify the key figures, such as Ibn Taymiah, Bin Baz, etc., thus reducing the critical reasoning. Yet, at the same time they shouted anti-imitation!

Preoccupied with problems 6.Terlalu fihi mukhlataf, so often neglected by the global interests of Muslims

7.Terlalu tekstualis, so often put aside the importance of reason and often allergic to new things.

Gazette Beyond Appearances Black Stuff The Wahabi: Everywhere always spread the love. Always wearing a patterned shirt and white pants gamis length below the knees, characteristics typical of Arabs. He let his beard thick and seem creepy. Slogan implementation of Islamic Shari'a. Struggle to eradicate polytheism, heresy, and superstition. References, al-Kitab and Sunna are valid. Everything was cool, invalid, un-Islamic. That's about the appearance of the Wahabi. Cursory and outwardly assured, amazing.

But do not be fooled once with every appearance of cool. Street saying goes, not least among those who wore military clothes, was a fraud, not a soldier. At the time of the Prophet r, between the typology Kharijites the seeds begin to appear at the time he is their perseverance in the worship service than most people, so he needs to warn of the Companions of the said t, you will feel small, when comparing the service you with their worship.

Similarly, the Wahhabis, who sometimes uses the name of the Salafis cool. If observed, the sect founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab an-Najdi (1115-1206 H/1703-1791 M), as the representative of the thinking and ideology of Ibn Taymiyyah al-Harrani (H/1263-1328 AD 661-728), will many vulnerabilities found in many religious aspects.

A. Black History

Wahabi sect, as usual sects that deviate from Islamic manhaj wal Jamaah Ahlusunah have black sheets in history. The fragility of this history can be seen at least with respect to football exploits in the early emergence Wahabi. In which aggression and annexation (annexation) of Islamic cities such as Mecca, Medina, Ta'if, Riyadh, Jeddah, and others, who performed with the Wahhabi army Amir Muhammad ibn Saud, they consider jihad as fi Sabilillah of Friends conquered Persia and Rome or Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih conquered Constantinople.

In addition to blood justifies Muslims who live in cities and surrounding Hijaz, the Wahabi also looted their property and considered ghanmah (the war booty) which position the same as war booty from the infidels. This departs from the paradigm that mengkafirkan Wahhabi Muslims and justify the blood and property of Muslims Ahlusunah wal Jamaah sect followers Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii, and Hanbali who live in the cities. Dark pages of history has been immortalized in the book of ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abd Wahhb; Aqdatuhus-Salafiyya wa-Ishlhiyyah work Dawatuhul Ahmad ibn Hajar al-Buthami (not Al-Haitami and Al-Asqalani ) contemporary Wahhabi clerics from Qatar, and dipengantari by Abdul Aziz bin Baz.

B. Fragility Ideology

In wal Jamaah Ahlusunah creed, based on the word of God, There is nothing like Him (God) "(Sura al-Shura [42]: 11), and the definitive proposition aqli, between the nature of God is mandatory for Mukh lafah lil hawdits, that God is different from anything new (natural). Therefore, God exists without a place and without direction. And God is not sitting, not dwelling on the Throne, has no organs and characteristics as humans. And according to the Consensus Ahlusunah Salaf wal Jamaah, as suggested by al-Imam Abu Jafar ath-Thahawi (H/767-933 AD 227-321), in al-Aqdah ath-Thahwiyyah, people who menyifati God with nature and human characteristics (such as the nature of the sitting, dwelling, located, directional, and have organs), is a kafir. This departs from compulsory nature of God, mukhlafah lil hawdits.

While the Wahhabis have fatal vulnerability in terms of ideology. They fall into schools of tajsm (think God has a body like human beings and nature) and tasybh (likening Allah to His creation). Yet according to al-Imam al-Shafii (150-204 H/767-819 M) as reported were as-Suyuti (849-910 H/1445-1505 M) in al-Asybh wan-Nazhir, berfaham tajsm people, are infidels. Because means rejection and denial of the word of God, There is nothing like Him (God). (Surat ash-Shura [42]: 11)

C. Fragility Tradition

Among typical wal Jamaah Ahlusunah is love, honor, and glorify the Prophet, his Companions, the pious Salaf, and their generation as the pious and the kiai Habaib expressed in such traditions tawasul, tabarruk, celebrating Maulid, haul, and others.

While experiencing the fragility of the Wahhabi tradition in religion, by not glorifying the Prophet r, is expressed in pengafiran tawasul with the prophets and the saints. Yet this tawasul, as found in the authentic Hadith-Hadith and historical data that mutawtir, has been done by Prophet Adam u, t of the Sahaba, and the pious Salaf. So with this view, the Wahhabi means have mengafirkan Prophet Adam, the Companions, Hadith expert, and the pious Salaf who advocated tawasul.

Even further, Nasiruddin al-Wahabi Albaniulama long kontemporersejak has called the dismantling of al-qubbah al-khadhr (green dome that shelters the tomb of the Prophet) and called for expenditure of the body of the Prophet Mosque Nabawi, because he considered as a source of kesyirikan. Al-Albani has also issued a fatwa mengafirkan al-Imam al-Bukhari, as has been done in the ash-takwil his Saheeh.

So a few of the hundreds of Wahabi ideological fragility. From here, we need to be careful with the works of the Wahhabis, the radical sect who was born in Najd. In history Hadith al-Bukhari, Muslim, and others, the Prophet r said, In the Najd, will appear next generation followers of Satan. According to the scholars, followers of Satan's generation mean in this Hadith is the Wahabi ..

Points above, leads us to the conclusion that the Salafi-modern crisis and the crisis jurisprudence methodological priority. So not too surprising that they also strongly condemns usual, and often hot with an attitude and opinion leaders that I mentioned in the preamble is known moderate and competent in science. This conclusion certainly can not just digenerilisir to all Salafi-Wahabi. Because of this attitude is unscientific and unfair. But, at least, if we look at the books in circulation about the salafi circles written by them, also watch mailing list, and manages the website, a lot of you would probably agree with my conclusions. Even more so if the sample is among the younger generation.

There is one thing that should be recognized, with this criticism does not mean we sell short on the things they discussed. Also did not mean they should not choose the opinions that the convictions. That is their right. What's wrong is when the opinions were exported through its territory and imposed on others. And anyone who refused or did not join his opinion it will dihukumi heresy, silly Islamic law and will be led astray!

family's of muslim

Shari'a and practices must Simultaneously Dinul Itself Islam is one
teaching that includes the entire space of human life is born, mind, world and
Hereafter. Studying Islamic knowledge is not vast enough to make
sahaja setakat few hours in a week applies in sepertimana
secular schools today. For that reason today, Muslims crowded
who do not know very well about their own religion even if they anutannya
assume they know better and faham and graduates because they berautoriti
from Universiti Islam. Walhal true nature, they do not know.
With the permission of Allah I will explain all cuba little about
selok-turn is in this Islamic teaching. Islamic teachings other than
usuluddin science (the science which studies about the divinity) is a principle to
Islamic teachings, there is also science and scientific nature of the Shari'a. Also called
both as a science and the science of Sufism feqah. Both include case
important that participated demanded by the Koran and Hadith. Field of science studies
Shari'a is the outer life of man.
1. Science Shari'a Law definition of science is this: law-Hakam who came
than God, who communicated to the Prophet Muhammad made than five
law specifically required, circumcision, unlawful, and must makruh (Mubah).
With law-Hakam, the laws determine all this life there is
must be made, namely the things which are compulsory. There are made of elegant
case circumcision. There is also the case should be left specifically forbidden. When
the makruh elegant left. There is also a party than this life
which may be made and should be abandoned, namely that perkaraperkara
categorized as a must (Mubah) law. In other words, every what
sahaja field we ceburi in all aspects of life such as in the system
education, economics, agriculture, culture, technology and other systems
life, not be separated from five of this law.
2. The nature of science nature of science is the field of study is about the spiritual nature
or the human conscience or the study of the properties of lust. Properties
consisting of lust than passion ammara, lawwamah lust, lust mulhamah,
mutmainnah lust, radhiah lust, lust and desire Mardhiah we were. Including
also in it about the properties of movement and impulse.
Definition of the nature of science is the heart flavors (zauk) or Thank?? Ur () which is in
in the human heart or soul of nature change from one form of sense
to taste the others. Dependent on other forms of stimuli
born man who came to that. There are mahmudah and there is mazmumah.
Among the flavors mahmudah liver (positive characteristics) that is sincere,
love of God, a sense of the greatness of God, a sense of gerun to Hell, a sense of sin,
shame, a sense of being watched, love, sympathy, modestly self-confident, trust and
forth. While mazmumah heart rasarasa (negative) were also in
riyak them, ujub, arrogant, angry, envy, resentment, greed, miserly, cowardly,
evil thought and others again.
Liver flavors that have been mentioned above Sentiasa alternated
control of heart or spirit. By kerana it, heart Sentiasa qalabah through. For
That's in the book, the heart qalabah is told through qalbun (). No
but the heart is called kerana qalabah contrast. Hearts are also obliged
namely bersyariat fertilize mahmudah properties. This is what
inner Shari'a.
Clearly Wordpress and the nature of the Shari'a as important. We could not refuse
one and took one of them sahaja. Both should be obliged
simultaneously, or go together. By it in order to practice siri
Islamic teachings so-so arranged like this:

Mulakan with Ertinya we bersyariat, then bertareqat, etc.
berhakikat and finally bermakrifat. Everything is interconnected. Relationships
between one another as if the child's first steps with the next,
hinggalah completed on the highest rung once. That is, our first
understand the laws specifically his rule, namely to know the law-Hakam. Which is
halal, which is unlawful, the circumcision, and Mubah makruh. Also illegal and void as
there is about prayer, fasting, jihad, propaganda, economics, education and
other again. Then if we remove it seriously and
stay istiqomah, we have ertinya His path specifically tareqat said.
Ie, practice what they're told and leave the forbidden
So it is not wrong if it is called the road laws. Just not ditempuhi
road just to know beforehand. If the road had been
be taken or used, then called tareqat.
Shari'a and tareqat if made by schools of and lived to
later act ahwal (mental changes) or changes in the ranks
lust. For example changes in sense of servanthood, the love of God, feeling low
to God, a sense of trust, a sense of self-surrender, a sense of courage, compassion
dear fellow beings, a sense of Redha, a sense of patience, a sense of sincerity to Allah and
mahmudah-mahmudah others. Or if you want attributed to the ranking
passion, the process is applicable than to the passions of lust ammara lawwamah,
ranked-rank to rank until that passion namely hygiene summit
lust we were.
People who get ahwal (change of life) is stay istiqomah (fixed - no
down up), this is what is said to have received the Station. That he got
mahmudah darjat follow the diperolehinya nature. Usually it applies
phase. For example the Station patience, trust the Station, the Station until that Redha
all these properties were derived mahmudah consistently (stay istiqomah). May
so there is a simultaneous mahmudah properties that. This also
who said he has got the essence. Namely a Muslim intipati
Another meaning of intent that is the inner essence of Islam or Islamic intipati (lubbun).
If these things can be experienced this nature is eternally (stay istiqomah)
continues, even more thick and lush, it will be opened later
jejaka-rahsia rahsia supernatural or God. This is very difficult to draw
dirasai except by those who experienced and merasainya.
As the sea in full of the various mysteries, not all
people can know rahsia in it except the experts about sahaja.
Itupun need help with sophisticated equipment, only then can explore
down to the bottom. Thus various rahsia terbongkarlah who never
known by another human being for so long. Most people only know the
surface sahaja.
The results also berhakikat we'll get makrifat. Specifically to the ranking
the nature of things can be experienced by stay istiqomah. God will kurniakan one
peak rating which can reach to a stage of belief
highest. At that time, he reached the rank makrifat, which can
really know God and rahsia-rahsia him. Mat for them this
more recognized as al?? arifbillah.
Comparison is as follows. At first we seedling seed grain. Then
He grew into a subject. Subject was finally bear fruit and the fruit when
cook gives us the spiciness taste, which we can not tell the
people who do not eat it. Then:

seeds in the instance of the Shari'a.
the main plant tareqat instance.
for instance the nature of the fruit.
taste the fruit makrifat instance.
Because it is said to produce tareqat Shari'a. Produced Tareqat nature.
Nature of the fruit is makrifat. Everything complementary, need, need,
lean-lean and must go hand in hand. Which describes the birth
inner. Therefore, if split, will defect and Islamic rosaklah someone
that. Malik said:
Meaning:?? Whoever berfeqah (Shari'a) without Sufism (nature), then he
so wicked. Whoever bertasawuf (nature) without feqah (Shari'a), then he
so pagan heretic (kafir is not conscious).??
To be more specific, let us look at the following examples:
1. Someone Berfeqah without Sufism is only doing the practices of birth.
Katalah all the five pillars of Islam is wrong doing. Plus
with struggling Fisabilillah, preaching, studying, teaching, menziarah,
sacrifice and closed private parts. Also kept from doing the things born
the unlawful and makruh. Compounded by the practices of circumcision. Short,
all birth orders or prohibitions observed, but the deeds of his mind
not taken dizzy.
Let alone riyak, ujub, crazy names, like glamorous, arrogant, greedy, miserly,
temper, resentment, envy, love of the world and others more negative mencorak
attitude. Here he's laws or the berfeqah sahaja. In view
eye was born, he's a very good kerana born Islamic law is very
guarded. But on this side of God's people were still sinners, namely the derhaka
Allah kerana he did not run inner laws commanded by God.
Look at the words of the Prophet Muhammad:
Meaning:?? Verily Allah does not look at the picture and the way you
not to the nation to you and not your possessions but he looked
your heart and the practices you.?? (History At Tabrani)
So those who violate these inner laws, Imam Malik, dropping the law
wicked. That is a sinner, if you die without repentance will go to Hell but
not dwell in Hell.
2. Someone Bertasawuf without guarding feqah sahaja liver, whole or
party of Shari'a inner (mental practice) but declined and left
Shari'a was born all the time. Say he's very guards the heart from envy,
revenge, angry, evil thought in addition to cultivating compassion, sympathy,
trust, tawadhuk, patience and other qualities mahmudah again. But he did not
implementing the five pillars of Islam and others again. This man
berhakikat but deny the Shari'a. At Imam Malik, this person said to disbelieve
namely zindiq infidels are not conscious. When you die without repentance, will be included
to hell and dwell therein. Wal?? Iyazubillah.
In today's society we see a lot that separates their teaching
Islam and work with one of them. There are bersyariat sahaja. There
the berhakikat only. Some even leave the both of them once. This
actually deviate from the teachings of Islam. Islam is not so. He
should be obliged to simultaneously between Shari'a and nature. When obliged, we will
the result might have specifically makrifatullah. Like the grain of the fruit, there are so
skin, no content and no taste. Where can we separate-separate between
three. Everything should be fine, then we say that good fruit.
If only rotten skin, would have rejected the fruit is said kerana
not good.
In conclusion, Islam is only one would be perfect if he practice
Shari'a, and the nature tareqat simultaneously. So he held taslim's worth,
the inner and outer bow. Who is not so much as it is God
menempelak by saying:
Meaning:?? They talk with their mouths but not like in
them carefully.?? (Ali Imran: 167)
Characteristics that match the nature of the birth of a hypocrite who else, in the heart
Other well. I hope we are given guidance and taufik from Allah SWT. Amen

Testimony Fiqh scholars of Sufism

Indeed Sufism is Islam, and Islam is Sufism. To achieve the perfection of worship and belief in Islam, one should study the science of Sufism through the thariqah-thariqah terms of genealogy mu'tabar and teachings. The great scholars of the Muslims was not opposed to Sufism, recorded many of those who joined as a follower and student of Sufism, the scholars are submissive under the guidance of a sheikh thariqah wise, even if the cleric is broader insights on Islamic knowledge, but they remain respect for the sheikh's noble, it is because science is derived from the point of formal education is the science of outer, while to gain knowledge in the form batiniyah salim qalbun and ahlak perfection, one must submit himself to submissive under the guidance of a true shaykh of tasawwuf.

Four Sunni schools of priests, all have a sheikh thariqah. Through their study that the sheikh of Islam in the esoteric side of the beautiful and majestic. They all realize that the science of the Shari'a must be supported by the science of Sufism that will achieved true knowledge about the true nature of worship.

Imam Abu Hanifah (Nu'man ibn Thabit - great Ulama founder of the Hanafi school) is a student of genealogy expert Tariqat Naqsyabandiyah ie Imam Jafar as Sadiq ra. In this regard, as Jalaluddin Suyuti in the book Durr al Mantsur, narrated that Imam Abu Hanifa (85 AH-150 AH) said, "If not for two years, Numan has been wretched. Because my two years with Sayyidina Imam Jafar as Sadiq, then I get the spiritual knowledge that made me more knowing the right way. "

Imam Malik (Malik ibn Anas - Scholars of the Maliki school founder) is also a student of Imam Jafar as Sadiq ra, a statement expressing support for the science of Sufism as follows: "Anyone studying / practicing tasawwuf without fiqh then he has heretic, and whoever studied Fiqh without Sufism he lost, and who accompanied mempelari Fiqh Tasawwuf he reached the truth. "(Adawi Ali al-Ulama in the book of Fiqh, vol.. 2, p. 195 who narrated from Imam Abul Hasan).

Imam Shafi'i (Muhammad ibn Idris, 150-205 H; great Ulama Shafi founder) said, "I gathered together the people Sufis and receive 3 science:
1. They taught me how to speak
2. They taught me how to treat others with love and tenderness
3. They led me into the path of Sufism. "
(History of the book Kashf al-Muzid al Khafa and Albas, Imam 'Ajluni, vol. 1, pp. 341)

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (164-241 AH; Ulama founder of the Hanbali school) said, "My child, you should sit down with people Sufis, because they are the wellspring of knowledge and they always remember God in their hearts. They are the people zuhud which has the highest spiritual power. I do not see anyone better than them "(Ghiza al Albab, vol. 1, pp. 120; Tanwir al Qulub, pp. 405, Shaykh Amin al Kurdi)

Shaykh Fakhruddin al Razi (544-606 H; great Ulama and scholars of hadith) says, "The Way of the Sufi is to seek knowledge to decide their hearts from worldly life and guard against is always busy in their minds and hearts with the remembrance of Allah in all acts and behavior. "Furaq al I'tiqad al Musliman, pp. 72, 73)

Ibn Khaldun (733-808 H); great scholars and philosophers of Islam) said, "The Way of the Sufi is the way the salaf, namely the course of earlier scholars among the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, and tabi'it-Tabi'in. Principle is to worship God and leave the jewelry and the pleasures of the world. "(Ibn Khaldun Muqadimah, pp. 328).

As Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti (great scholars and commentators Qur'an hadith) in the book Ta'yad al haqiqat al 'Aliyyah, pp. 57 said, "Sufism is shared by experts is the best science and commendable. Science explains how to follow the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad and left heresy."

Even Ibn Taymiyyah (661-728 AH), one of which is known scholars vehemently opposed Sufism in the end he admitted that Sufism is the path of truth, so he went to take a bai'at and thariqah Qadiriyyah followers.

The following words in the book of Ibn Taymiyyah Majmoo al Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah, published by Dar al Rahmat, Cairo, Vol. 11, pp. 497, in the chapter. Sufism: "You should know that the sheikh is guided to be taken and followed the instructions and examples in religion, because they follow in the footsteps of the Prophets and Apostles. Thariqah the sheikh is to call people to the presence in the Presence of God and obedience to the Prophet."

Later in the book of the same thing. 499, he said, "The sheikh should we follow as a guide, they are our example and we must follow them. Because when we are on pilgrimage, we need instructions (go-between) to reach the Kaaba, the sheikh is our guide (go-between) towards God and our Prophet. "
Among the Sufi shaykh that he mentioned in his book is, Sheikh Ibrahim ibn Adham ra, our teacher Shaykh Ma'ruf al Karkhi ra, Shaykh Hasan al Basri ra, Lady Rabi'a al Adawiyyah ra, our teacher Shaykh Abu al-Qasim ibn Muhammad Junaid al Baghdadi ra, our teacher Shaykh Abd al Qadir Gilani, Shaikh Ahmad ar ra Rifa'i, etc..

In the book Sharh al Aqidah al Asfahaniyyah pp. 128. Ibn Taymiyyah said, "We are (currently) does not have an equivalent of Imam Malik, al Auza'i, at Tsauri, Abu Hanifa, as Shafi'i, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ibn Fudhail Iyyadh, Ma'ruf al Karkhi, and the people with them. " Then, in line with his teacher, Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah in the book 'Ar-Ruh has confessed and took hadith and narrations of Sufi leaders.

Dr. Yusuf Qaradawi, a professor of the University of Al Azhar, who is one of the leading Islamic scholars of this century in the collection of fatwa saying, "The meaning of religion is mysticism in the direction of deepening the spiritual, Ubudiyyah, and attention is poured around the problem". He also said, "They Sufi leaders are very careful in pursuing the road above the line established by the Qur, an and Sunnah. Net of various thoughts and practices that deviate, either in worship or her mind. Many people who converted to Islam because of their influence, many people are lawless and unjust re-repent for their service. And not a few who left the Islamic world, which is a great wealth of civilization and science, especially in the field of marifat, behavior and experiences in the spiritual nature , it can not be denied ".

Such was the recognition of the great scholars of the Muslims of Sufism. They all acknowledge the truth and take the blessings of science and mysticism with learning submissive to the sheikh in his time thariqah respectively. Therefore there is no argument against the truth of this science, those who called Sufism as heresy or heretics are the ones who closed his heart against the truth, they do not follow the tracks of the scholars of the Salaf who respect and follow the teachings of Islamic Sufism.

The discussion excerpted from the book
Miftah at Tariq - Spiritual Road Opener wa Thariqah Hasan Husein
Bab.I, about Mysticism and Thariqah

I saw the angel in you ..

You are a paradise.

I loved the place the last meeting.

. you are my prayers.

. the pleasure of my soul.

. you are looking for serenity.

. you're there in every heart throb ..

and nothing else wrote my reply out.

. except that ..

I saw the angel in you ..

whether it should be how I describe all this ..

I saw the angel in you ..

whether it should be how I should menggor

eskan yourself in my sketches ..

I was helpless.

. unless you expect to Robbku ..

whether to do so I have you ....

so far .. now we go ..

. and I touch you with my eyes ..

Your aura ..

word you say.

. I was in a golden cage of confusion ..

You are the light in my heart ..

You are jewel for me ..

nobody I know besides that

except that

I saw the angel in you
> swap

Prophet Muhammad, even known as a loving man and very concerned about his wives.

A man, shyly asked for an Ustad. The old man, had sailed the marriage of more than 20 years.

The second pair is known as a hard worker (workaholic). His life was work, work, and work. Only, he admitted there was something missing in him. "Kemesraan," he said that he felt had been lost.

"I want to restore the atmosphere of intimacy is like the original, but how to get started Ustad?" He said. "Can we in the age of 50 who entered this year to enjoy intimacy with his wife as before?"

Intimacy is an important part to keep the Muslim family harmony. Do not let the troubled Muslim families do only for reasons of age. "Ah, old man, how was weird," so often spoken words of the old couple.

Non-verbal intimacy

Cuddling is the effort of husband and wife to show each other affection in the form of verbal and non-verbal. Sweet sayings, words are spoiled, and the gentle invitation, a verbal form of intimacy that can be husband and wife. Was a touch of hands and other body motion is romance in the form of non-verbal. Verbal intimacy alone is not enough without the non-verbal intimacy.

To convince you that at the age of 50 years the couple was able to realize the intimate relationship, following our Prophet nukilkan some peace 'alaihi wa sallam (SAW) which describes the intimacy with his wives. Nothing wrong build intimacy between husband and wife, although old age has been moved. Prophet Muhammad, even known as a loving man and very concerned about his wives.

Below is a secret intimacy of the Prophet:

1. Sleeping in a blanket with his wife

From Ata 'bin Yasar: "Verily the Prophet and' Aisha radi Anha (Ra) used to bathe together in a single vessel. When he was in a blanket with 'Aisha, a sudden' Aisha up. He then asked, 'Why have you got? "He replied,' Because I am menstruating, Messenger of Allah. 'His saying,' Then go, then berkainlah and closer back to me. 'I went inside, then wrapped up with him." (Historical Sa 'id bin Mansur)

2. Perfume gives the shame

'Aisha said, "Verily the Prophet when oiling his body, he started from the shame and mengolesinya with nurah (a type deodorizer powder), and other parts of her oiling her whole body." (History Ibn Majah)

3. Bathroom with wife

From 'Aisha, he said, "I used to bathe together with the Prophet with a single vessel. We used to put together our hands into the vessel. "(History of Abu Abdurrazaq and Ibn Abi Shaybah)

4. Combed wife

From 'Aisha, he said, "I used to comb the hair of Allah, when I was menstruating." (History Ahmad)

5. Asking his wife oiling

From 'Aisha, he said, "I anoint the body of the Prophet on the day of Eid al-Adha feast after he did jumrah Aqabah." (History Ibn' Asaakir)

6. Drink alternately at the same place

From 'Aisha, he said, "I used to drink from cans (glass) the same as menstruation, and the Prophet took the cans and put his mouth where I put my mouth, then he drank, then I take the cans, then I took it , then he took it from me, then he put his mouth on where I put my mouth, and he even breathe. "(History 'Abdurrazaq and Sa'id bin Mansur)

7. Kissing wife

From 'Aisha, "That the Prophet used to kiss his wife after ablution, then he repeated the prayer and not wudhunya." (History' Abdurrazaq)

8. Lie in the lap of his wife

From Aisha, he said, "The Prophet used to put her head on my lap while I was menstruating, then he read the Qur'an." (History 'Abdurrazaq)

9. Calling with tender words

Prophet used to call 'Aisha with some favorite nickname, like' Aisy and Humaira (ruby red cheeks).

Messenger romance so beautifully to the wife, gives an overview of how Islam is concerned with non-verbal communication, because the language would be more effective body express love and affection between husband and wife.

Well, still less let alone form that has kemesraaan exemplified by our Prophet? And have we bermuhasabah [mirror] to see what we have done for the husband and wife in order to keep our beloved this intimacy?

[ham / SAHID /]

I thought it was the angel Gabriel

When I was looking for a light

my night in a dark night

, quiet, quiet ...

I thought my demi-star search is.

. star with me every night

but the stars when the clouds

I was alone and sad.

. and when the morning star is left ..

. I kept looking for the light and I thought it was the moon

but no ..

. not the moon ...

left when the moon is also the day ..

I kept looking for the light it until I fell asleep in the night ..

. when it happened Mid-Sha'ban night ...

. when I was asleep in the night ...

I handpone voice rang ..

I thought it was the angel Gabriel woke reply to pray tonight ...

but not proved that you contact me ..

and now you are a light in the evening and my lunch .....

True story

This story True, he was Bp. Eko Pratomo,
Director of Fortis Asset Management
yg very popular with the Capital Market and Investment,
he was also very success in advancing Mutual fund industry in Indonesia.

What he phrased reply is very true.
Please read and internalized.

* Can we WIFE WE LOVE WITHOUT CONDITIONS * - - - a reflection

Start the husband read it ..... wife & future wife can also ..

Judging from his age, he was no longer young,
of age-me-dusk approached tonight even,
Mr. Suyatno 58 years filled with the everyday care of sick wife
his wife is also old.
They were married was over 32 years.
They are endowed with 4 children this is the beginning of trial strikes,
after his wife gave birth to four tiba2 legs paralyzed
and could not move it occurs during the 2 years,
The third step in the whole body became weak and even feels no bones
lidahnyapun already can not be moved again.

Every day pack Suyatno bathing, cleaning up, feeding
and lifted her above the bed.
Before leaving for work
he put his wife in front of the TV so she does not feel lonely.

Although she could not speak but he always saw her smiling,
fortunately Suyatno pack premises not so far
from her house that day he came home to feed her lunch.
That evening he came home to bathe her, change clothes
and after maghrib he accompanied his wife to watch television
while telling him apa2 natural pot all day.

Although she could only see but can not respond,
Mr. Suyatno'm happy even he was always teasing his wife
each went to bed.

This routine is more or less Mr. Suyatno 25 years,
with the patient he treated his wife even as he raised to 4 pieces of their hearts,
son's now they are grown up living the youngest-come college.

On one day ...
to four children gathered Suyatno their parents at home while visiting his mother.
Because after they married the child had lived with the family masing2
and Mr. Suyatno decide their mothers take care of her reply,
he wanted only one of all children succeed.

With elbow hati2 sentence
yg eldest son said "Sir we would love to take care of the mother
since we were kids to see the father care for mothers
not an iota of complaint from the father's lips .......
even the father did not allow us to keep the mother ".

With tears in her eyes the boy continued kata2nya
"already wrote the fourth time we allow the father married again,
we think ibupun will allow it,
father enjoy when old father,
dengan berkorban seperti ini kami sudah tidak tega melihat bapak,
we promise we'll take care best mother in turn ".

Mr. Suyatno said the same thing was not expected anak2nya.
"If marriage ......... Anak2ku & live in this world only to lust,
maybe the father will marry .....
but please know with the right next to your mother
It was more than enough,
she has given birth to you ..
constricted throat for a moment, ...
I miss you always reply in this world there
with love no one can reply with any value.
Please try your mom asked if she wanted condition was like this??

You want a happy father,
whether the inner father be happy to leave your mother
the condition was present,
you want the father of God's reply was given medical treatment by others,
what about your mother-come sick. "

For a moment, burst into tears anak2 pack Suyatno
they also saw a small fall butiran2 mother Suyatno dipelupuk eyes ..
eyes gazed sadly in great husband loved it ..

Pak finally came Suyatno invited by one of the private TV station
to be a resource person and they ask questions to Suyatno
why can survive for 25 years caring for his wife was not able to reply apa2 ..
tears burst while he was with the guest attendant
most of the studio could not hold perempuanpun emotion
Mr. Suyatno told therein.

"If people in this world glorifies a love in her marriage,
but do not want to give (to give time, energy, thought, attention) is the futility.
I chose my wife became my life companion,
and when he was healthy And he patiently cared for me,
I love the heart and not with the eyes bathinnya,
and he gave me 4 people lucu2 problem child ..

Now he's sick because of sacrifices for our love together ...
and was a test of me,
if I can hold a commitment to love what they are.
I Sehatpun not necessarily looking for a replacement let alone he was sick,,