Once we are satisfied with our postings about women, the complementary bit we want to add something ..
@ At the Farewell Pilgrimage, hajj separation between Rosululloh Saw the flock, he delivered berorasi last messages. Among the last message he is, will that be gentle on her, giving the rights of their lives, the rights to education. Also to always loved the ladies. Is there seagung personally instructed him to like it? Eternal message of all time.
@ Rosululloh had one day to go to the mosque holding his female descendants. Abil Sy.Umamah bint ash. What was he doing in front of friends? He was praying while holding the little girl. If the ruku ', he put it, when standing, he took profit held back. Is there a person who appreciates his seagung woman like that?
@ Rosululloh is Abul Banat, all the children who grew up, is that the girls. 4 girls, mother of Fatima, mother Zainab, ruqoyyah bunda, bunda Urn Kulthum. Rosul lovingly educate them, raise them. Yet the social conditions of the world as it is very demeaning women everywhere. Then, if we are not copying Rosululloh, we want to imitate anyone?
@ Do not ever try to harass women, respect them. Including the value it is not her in the issues of emancipation and feminism in the wrong direction and was deliberately formatted to trap women.
@ Women and men are not created except to each side to work in a field of life. If a man cultivate their ground, planting seedlings, sowing the seeds. So she chose and sorting the seeds, watering and cleaning of the wild plants that interfere with
@ Kullu dzati shidarin, kholah; each wearing a bra, is kita.saudara maternal aunt. Then, the child does not like to see her mother happy? Which child is not jealous and angry if an aunt in alone.?
@ What a true Rosululloh: (istaushuu bin-nisa-i.... Khoiro)
5 years ago
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