Start to Married
Marriage means having love and cooperation, giving priority to the interests of others and sacrifice, peace and mawaddah, noble spiritual relationship and attachment disyari'atkan bodies.
Marriage means a pole house is Adam and Hawwa, and from them formed families and descendants, and the houses, then community, then come the various nations and countries. In this case, Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says, meaning, "And He (also) who created man from water, then He made man (a) offspring and mushaharah." (al-Furqan: 54).
Mushaharah of familial relationships caused by the bonds of marriage, such as law, laws, laws, and so on.
Marriage is the fortress that can suppress one's sexual wildness, pushing syahwatnya desire, genitals and honor guard and prevent him from keterjerumusan into disobedience holes and nests of indecency.
We see how the Qur'an evoke in each other couples a sense that they each need each other and improve each other's shortcomings.
Indeed women are branches of men and boys is the root for a woman. Therefore, the root is always needed twigs and branches are always requires root. "On this, Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says, means," He Who created you from a single self and from it He created his wife, so he was pleased with him. "( al-raf: 189).
What is meant by self is one which meant Adam and his wife is Hawwa. Therefore, marriage in Islam is not merely maintain the integrity of the human species, but more than that is running the command of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala as in his word, that is, "So women marry (other) that you like." ( An-Nisa `: 3)
Under the auspices of the Islamic teachings, the two married couples live their lives in kesenyawaan and unity in all things; unity of feeling, unity of heart and encouragement, unity of ideals and destiny and others.
Among the greatness of the Qur'an and its perfection, we see all these meanings, whether they had counted or not, reflected in a verse of the Koran, namely: "They are clothing for you, and you are clothing for they are. " (al-Baqarah: 18)
Meaning Sakinah, Mawaddah and Rahmah
The Qur'an has described the relationship instincts and feelings between husband and wife as one of the signs of God and the infinite pleasure of Him. Allah Subhanahu wata'ala says, means, "And among the signs of His power is that He created for you wives from jenismu itself, so you tend to be and feel reassured him, and made him think of you love and affection. Lo in that really there are signs for those who reflect. " (ar-Rum: 21)
Tendencies and a sense of peaceful husband to his wife and sticking with her husband's wife is a thing which is in accordance with the nature and instincts. This verse is the foundation of life is filled with an atmosphere so cool feeling. The wife is like a husband and shelter, after a struggle all day to get a bite of rice, and find comfort after infestation feeling tired and tired. And, in the last round, all dumped into keletihannya that this shelter. Yes, to his wife who must accept it with a full sense of love, a cheerful face and smile. It was then, her husband got her ears that hear well, heart of compassion and gentle words recalled.
Profile shalihah woman confirmed it was created through the goal, that of the peace for a man with all the meanings embodied in the word "Peace (vegas) it. And, in order for a peace worth saying, then he (she) must have some criteria, among Most importantly; owner feels like to see him; Ability to maintain family and possessions; not let people who oppose him stay with her.
Associated with ar-Rûm letter, paragraph 21 above, there are some reflections:
First Meditations
Abu al-Hasan al-Mawardy said about the meaning, "And He made between you affection and love." (ar-Rum: 21). In the verse there are four opinions: First, that the meaning Mawaddah (feel the love) is al-Mahabbah (love), while the meaning of Rahmah (compassion) is the ash-Syafaqah (pity). Secondly, that the meaning Mawaddah is al-Jima '(sexual intercourse) and Al-Rahmah is Walad (child). Third, that the meaning of loving someone Mawaddah is large (the older) and Rahmah is mercy to the child (the younger). Fourth, that means they are berkasih mutual affection between couples. (al-Mawardy: an-Nukat Wa al-'Uyûn)
Ibn Kathir said, "Among His signs that show the greatness and perfection of His power, He created woman to be your partner from your own kind, so you tended and peaceful to him. If he makes all the Children of Adam (humans) were male men and women made from other types in addition to them, as if coming from the Jinn or animals, it would not have happened unity of hearts between them and the spouse (wife), even contrary to flee, when the couple came from another species. Then, in the perfection of His mercy unto the Children of Adam, He made them partners of their own kind and make among them a sense of love (mawaddah), which is love and compassion (mercy), compassion. Because it could be a man man tied the woman for love or love for him to get a descent from him or she (the woman) takes him in terms of income or proximity to the liver occurs between them, and so forth "(Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
Reflections into two
Let us briefly renungi his word, "from jenismu own." Wife is a noble human being where there is equality between himself and the kind of husband, while men have a degree Qiwâmah (kepempimpinan) for women (read: al-Baqara: 228).
Husband's leadership is not acting authoritarian means silencing the opinion of others (wives, red). His leadership was like a traffic sign regulating travel but not to let him go. Therefore, male leadership does not mean eliminating the role of women in the opinion and assistance in raising a family.
Meditations to Three
Security, peace and stability can bring salvation to the children of every thing that threatens their existence and make them deviate and far from the straight path, because they grow up in an 'institution' that is clean, there is no fraud or interference, in it has been clearly the rights and way of life, each individual doing his duty as the word of the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam, "Each of you is leader and every leader responsible for the lead."
Leadership has been determined and each individual is willing to others by not doing things that exceed the limit. This is the meaning of his words in the letter `An-Nisa, verse 34.
Reflections to the Four
Each husband and wife should respect each other opinions. There should be discussion based on compassion, but should not be too long and to the extent an argument. One should also succumb to others opinions especially if one looks the strength of opinion, for an objective discussion of dew sharpened with affection and love will overcome all disasters in order to preserve the life of a happy household.
Meditations to Lima
Sense of love and affection that are embedded as the nature of God wata'ala Subhanahu between spouses will increase in line with good increases in both. On the other hand, will decrease as the decrease in the goodness in them, because naturally, people love people who treat kanya gently and always doing good for him. Well, especially if that person is the husband or wife who between them have a sense of love of Allah Subhanahu wata'ala, that compassion would be increased and strengthened. The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wasallam said, "This world is fun and best joy is shalihah woman."
Meditations to Six
The best impression gained from Nabawi households is maintained rights in the husband-wife relationship both during life and after death. This can be seen from the wife of the Messenger of Allaah saying 'alaihi wasallam dear,' A'isha radi 'anha who was jealous of Khadija radi' anha, his first wife when he had died and had never seen. It was simply because he often remember the good and services.
May Allah Subhanahu wata'ala make Muslims households households that are always filled with vegas, mawaddah and mercy. And this can be realized, when the Muslims back to the teachings of their Prophet and copying his domestic life.
Source: al-hayah Tsulâtsiyyah az-Zawjiyyah: as-Sakan al-Mawaddah, ar-Rahmah ibn Muhammad Dr.Zaid work ar-Rummany. (Abu Hafsa)
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