The nature of beauty and good looks
1. Eat and drink sufficiently
To be beautiful and handsome, and brotherly akhwat not eat casually / pleases with greed, but ate the extent to enforce the bones to get the power in running the daily activities well.
Remember the word of God Almighty.: "Eat and drink, do not limit berlebih-lebihan/melampaui. For Allah loves not those who exaggerated." (Q. S. Al Araaf 7: 31). Then explained in a hadith: 'From Ibn `Umar from the Prophet. His saying:" Those who disbelieve ate with seven stomachs, and the believers to eat with a stomach. "(Reported by Muslim).
Messenger of Allah. avoid eating and excessive drinking. He ate and drank only when stomach feels hungry and fill the stomach in three parts, one third for food, one third for drink, and a third for breathing. Result is usually easy to eat a lot of obesity, susceptible to disease, tend to worship lazy, lazy work. etc..
2. Aim Sports
So beauty / handsomeness that God Almighty. bestowed on us can be maintained, try always fit physical condition through exercise according to interest / age respectively. Arrange the time on the sidelines of an existing activity. In a hadith explained: "The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer." (H. R. Muslim).
With exercise, God willing, our bodies can better preserved, so that these conditions can help brotherly / akhwat perform tasks of daily routine with energetic.
3. Maintain cleanliness
All you need is kept clean all the members of the body and clothing. Bukhari hadith declares: "Go take a shower on Friday and although you do not keramaslah in junub and wear perfume" fragrances difference between the Ikhwan and akhwat there, namely: From Abu Hurairah ra, he said: Perfume is the man who smelled the aroma and does not appear color and perfume women are looking color and not smell the fragrance. "(Tirmidhi and An-Nasai). Ikhwan / akhwat should be able to maintain the appearance of the smell of sweat is not good.
Also in the hadith reported by Bukhari and Muslim are explained cleanliness by keeping one's body of five cases including the nature, namely circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, plucking the armpit hairs, cutting the nails, and shortened the mustache.
To clean clothes, and Nasai Imam Ahmad narrates from Jabir ra hadts, he said: "Allah's Messenger.'ve Visited me. When he saw a man by the clothes worn and tattered, he recalled: Apparently he did not have soap to wash clothes It. " In this hadith, the Prophet. not like someone who meet and hang out with other people wearing dirty clothes and worn as long as he could wash and clean.
Messenger of Allah. teaches us that the clothes of a Muslim should always be neat clean drafts, so that looks delicious in the eye. Of course, these clothes do not have the habit of always collecting new clothes especially with the amount of exaggeration, the most important thing is neat and clean, because the clothes that become rizki we really what to no longer be used by themselves.
Dental hygiene and mouth, "Had it not burdensome to my people, I would tell them to bersiwak each time to pray." (H. R. Bukhari and Muslim).
Maintain cleanliness of the hair, the Prophet. He said: "He who has hair, he should respect it (keep it)." (H. R. Abu Daud and Abu Hurayrah r.a.). It means respecting the hair clean, combed, giving fragrance (hair oil), and keep it well. Islam does not like people who let their hair messy / disheveled, dirty, and smelly.
4. Self smoothing
Word of God Almighty.: "Say, who is God forbid that He jewelry out for servants to him and (who are prohibited pulakah) rizki good things?" (Q. S. Al-Araf 7: 32).
In interpreting these verses, Imam Qurthuby said: "Imam Makhul A'ishah narrated from, he recalled:" Once a group of friends waiting for the Messenger of Allah. in front of the door. When he was about to come out to them, he mirrored in the water in the vessel in the house. After he smoothed his hair and beard, I (Aisha) said: "You do this, O Messenger of Allah?" "Yes, if someone would see his brother let him straighten himself. For verily Allah is beautiful and loves beauty," replied the Prophet. "
Each person needs to maintain the neatness of her, not letting themselves in a wrinkled and ragged appearance with the excuse to zuhud. Messenger of Allah. themselves recommend groomed, but he was the most tawadhu and zuhud.
So, as long as it does not memperapi excessive self, God Almighty. suggested, "O son of Adam, wear beautiful clothes at every (enter) mosques, to eat and drink and be not extravagant. for Allah loves not those who exaggerated. Say:" Who prohibited the jewels of God, who issued for the servants to him and (who are prohibited pulakah) rizki good things? "Say:" All that (provided) for the believers in the life of the world, especially (for them) on the Day of Resurrection. Thus do we explain this passage for those who know. "(Surat al-Araf 7: 31-32).
But a Muslim woman should not tabaruj. God Almighty. has banned tabaruj through Q.S. An-Nur 24: 60 and Q.S. Al-Ahzab 33: 59. According to Ibn Kathir, tabaruj means women who go out and walk / expose myself in front of men (tabaruj ignorance). According to Bukhari, tabaruj is an act of a woman who revealed her beauty to others, and according Muqatil tabaruj is a woman who let her veil, revealing a necklace and bracelet.
Also true Muslim woman is always aware and remember the concept of attitude tawazun (mid / balance) in all things, do not get dressed up / spruce or exaggerated self-measure performance based on material wealth. "Woe to the dinar and dirham slave and slave silk and velvet. If he was given a favor, he was happy and if not given he hated." (H. R. Bukhari).
The latter, in order to look ikhwan / akhwat can be beautiful and handsome should be complemented by the maintenance of common elements with the science of the mind. Indeed, not all people have the intelligence and equal opportunity. However, brotherly / akhwat should always seek and ask for additional knowledge to Allah., As explained in the word of God Almighty., "And Say," Ya Rabbi, add to knowledge. "(Surah Taha 20: 114). In a hadith , A'ishah said: "The best of Ansar women are women. They are not shy to ask in order tafaquh fiddin (deeply religious problems). "(Bukhari, Muslim).
Therefore, a need still sought is a concern to always try to add / understanding / practice of Islamic science bit by bit, the process of seeking knowledge until the end of life, because it will be the basis and do one's thinking. Similarly, other science, we learned as a means bertaqarrub (draw near) to God Almighty. So that, God willing, with the integrated elements of the heart, body / physical, and science in themselves and akhwat comrade, good looks and beauty we can bring salvation of the world and the hereafter. Allaah Bishshawab Nature.
O Allah, make light in my heart, light in my grave, the light in front of me, light behind me, light on my right, light on my left, light above me, light below me, light in my hearing, light in my sight, light on the hair, the light on my skin, light in my flesh, light in my blood, light in my bones. O God, besarkanlah me light and give me light and make me light the light and add me, add me light, add me light. Aamiin.
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