Ten Mistakes In Educating Children
By Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al-Hamad
Children are the mandate for both parents. So, we as parents are responsible for this mandate. Not a few errors and omissions in educating children has become a real phenomenon. It was a great disaster; and including betrayed trust God.
As for the house, was the first school for the children. Collection of several houses that will form a community building. For a child, before getting education in schools and communities, he will get education at home and family. He is the prototype of both parents in social interaction. Therefore, this is where the role and responsibility of parents, sued for not negligent in educating the children.
Delinquent Hazard Educate Children In
Parents have a right must be carried out by children. Similarly, children also have rights that must be borne by both parents. Besides God commands us to devote to both parents. God also commanded us to do good (deeds) to the children and seriously educate. Such discharge part of the mandate of God. Conversely, neglect of their rights including the treasonous acts against the mandate of God. Many texts are mengisyaratkannya syar'i. He said.
"It means: Allah commands you to convey trust entitled to receive them" [An-Nisa: 58]
"It means: O ye who believe, do not betray Allah and the Messenger (Muhamamd) and (also) do not betray the messages entrusted to you, and ye know" [al-Anfal: 27]
Prophet alaihi wa sallam said:
"It means: Each of you is leader and accountability will be asked to lead. So, a priest is the leader and be responsible for the lead. A husband is the leader for his family and responsible for the lead "[Hadith Bukhari History]
"It means: Any person given a mandate by God to lead and then he died (while in) the day he died in circumstances that betray amanahnya, Allah forbid heaven bagianya" [Hadith Bukhari History]
While many parents know, that educating children is a big responsibility, but there are still many parents who neglect and underestimate this problem. So ignore this child's education problem, not the least concerned with the development of children.
Only later, when the children disobedience, against the parents, or deviate from the rules of religion and social order, many parents begin to panic or even blame the child. Tragically, many are not aware, that his parents are actually the main cause was the emergence of rebellious attitude.
Negligent or wrong in educating the child many different forms; that we unknowingly contribute to the emergence of rebellious attitude to parents, and juvenile delinquency.
Here are ten of error is often done by parents in educating their children:
[1]. Growing Fear And The Child minder
Sometimes, when the children cry, we frighten them to stop crying. We fear them with images of ghosts, jinns, the sound of wind and others. Impact, the child will grow up to be a coward: Scared of her own shadow, afraid of something that was not to be feared. For example fear into the bathroom alone, afraid to sleep alone because often heard stories about ghosts, spirits and others.
The most severe and unconsciously, we have been instilling fear to himself. Or for example, we are worried when they fell and there was blood on his face, hands or knees. And should we be calm and smiling face appeared frightened child. Not just to frighten him, slapped his face, or scold him and making a big deal. As a result, the children crying harder, and will be used to being scared when see blood or feel sick.
[2]. Being educated snob, Long Tongue, Congkak Against Others. And That Perceived as brave attitude.
This error is the opposite the first point. The truth is to be the middle, not excessive and no minus-cut. Dare not have to be cocky or arrogant to others. However, courageous and harmonious place if indeed the fear that something to be feared. For example: fear to lie, because he knew that if God does not like the kid who likes to lie, or the fear of a dangerous beast. We educate our children to be brave and not afraid of the truth in practice.
[3]. Kids familiarize Life spree, luxury, and Bermewah-snob.
With this habit, the child can grow into children who love luxury, like having fun. Only a selfish, no matter the circumstances of others. Educating children like this can damage the nature, killing attitude in being zuhud istiqomah in the world, membinasakah muru'ah (self) and truths.
[4]. Always Meet Demand Children
Some old people there who always wants to give every child, regardless of the good and bad for the children. Yet, not every child who wants it useful or appropriate to the age and needs. For example the child asked for a new bag is a trend, when only a month ago parents bought him a new bag. This will only spend money. If the child met all permintaanya used, then they will grow into a child who does not care about the value of money and hard for a living. And they will be people who can not spend the money properly.
[5]. Always Meet Demand Son, When Crying, especially small children.
It often happens, our children still ask for something small. If we reject it for some reason, he will force or his gun, which is crying. Finally, parents will soon meet the demands of compassion or to the child immediately stopped crying. This can cause the child to be weak, whiny and did not have identity.
[6]. Too Hard And Stiff In Facing Them, Exceed within reasonable limits.
For example, by hitting them until the bruising, scold him with a shout and scold, or in ways other hard. This sometimes happens when the children do wrong intentionally. And he (probably) only once did.
[7]. Too Pelit In Children, Exceed within reasonable limits
There are also parents who are too stingy to her children, until their children feel less fulfilled needs. In the end encourages children to find their own money with the kinds of ways. For example: by stealing, begging to others, or in other ways. What's worse, there are parents who would entrust their children to the orphanage to reduce the burden themselves. In fact, there is also a bear to sell her child, because it was not able to pay to live. Naa'udzubillah mindzalik
[8]. No Loving And Menyayangi They, so that Made Them Love Outside Looking To Find The house searched.
Such phenomena are happening. Has caused the children fall into the free-association-waiyadzubillah. A girl for example, because it does not get attention from his family he was seeking attention from men outside the family circle. He was glad to get attention from men, because often praised, flirting and so on. Until he was willing to give false honor for love.
[9]. Taking into account only physical needs Only.
Many parents think that they have to give the best for their children. Many parents feel that providing a good education, food and drink nutritious, good clothes and school quality. Meanwhile, there is no attempt to educate their children properly so that religious and noble. Parents forget that children are not given enough material only. The children also need attention and affection. If love is not in getting her home, then he will seek it from someone else.
[10]. To assume good too Son-son
There are some parents who always assume good faith for their children. Think, if their children well and felt no need to worry about, never checked on his children, not knowing a close friend of her son, or whatever activities. Really believe in their children. When a sudden, found her son hit disasters or aberrant symptoms, such as drug exposed, then startled parents. Trying to cover it up and immediately forgave him. Finally, the remaining hanyalan useless regrets.
Thus the ten mistakes that parents often do. We may also not realize when you do it. For that, let's try to keep up their knowledge, especially relating to children's education, so that we avoid mistakes in rearing children, which can be fatal to their future. We always pray, may our children grow up to be righteous and shalihah generation and noble. Bishshawab Allaah knows best.
[Adapted by Umm Shofia of the book At-Taqshir Fi Tarbiyatil Aulad, Al-Mazhahir Subulul Wiqayati Wal Ilaj, Muhammad bin Ibrahim Al-Hamad]
5 years ago
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