Soul said to me O you who have been busy by Fatamorgana world ..... What you want to search from the world ...? Look ... there is no person who look you Lights also are reluctant to brighten your Yourself yourselves in the morning Allah fed up with sin sin your megrim ............... You to worship Him But you also engage in immoral acts to him Are you sure your pray received by him? Do you believe in your repentance by His goodness? Cry yourself weeping with sorrow Throughout the life

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Virginity now?

Bismi-lhamdu god-li wa-wa-shshalatu god-ssalamu wa 'ala-god apostolic
wa 'ala alihi wa wa ma ashhabihi-wwalah, amma ba'd, Assalamu Alaikum.

what purpose sech wedding?
As a Muslim, for that would earn descent we'll reply mendo'akan we already lying under the grass and plants in the basement. agree right?

or there is also a deliberate only to lead and align
request to haunt biological urge. so far from
adultery, agree well khan?

then, how-god guidance rasulu SAW about this marriage? we have not denger that sebaik2nya marry a Muslim because of his religion?

so kalu in matters of religion we do not need bincangkan khan?

which became a phenomenon now is actually not trying to choose who is a virgin or had been married, divorced widowed kerna, he asked himself the same time her husband divorced, or abandoned to die.

so once again, now, our time is not only the two
this option as mentioned above it only, karna we find a non-virgin kerna "accident" was not a virgin anymore, so instead kerna never married or had married a Muslim, but he explained kerna results and ulahnya adultery.

Quran says:

"a-laa zzaanii illa yankihu au zaaniyatan waa musyrikatan-zzaaniyatu
yankihuhaa illa la au zaanin thalika musyrikun wahurrima
'alaa-lmu'miniina "

Annur letter: paragraph 3:
Men who commit adultery but do not marry women who
adultery, or idolatrous women, and women who commit adultery are not married but by a man who commits adultery or men idolaters,
and that therefore it is forbidden for those who believers.

there are several opinions' ulama of forbidden here, there is
There also argues that unlawful allow. merka all there
argumentnya also sech.

nach is a problem, we, gimaana nech?
want to marry a Muslim who never committed adultery?
willing mimum of "glass" that has been cracked? azza sech like.

or depending on her as she's this? is still in a state like
berzinanya aatauuuuu period was in a state of repentance, re -
and the Islamic kekeimanan?

this needs to be discussed clearly and trank trus gambalng before
marriage occurs for calon2 bride. more baek someone else reply
who can be trusted, for example guru2nya, or murabbinya to diikut

I am writing this as hanyalach azza handful of pebbles to
digoncankan a large stone, mudah2an.

divine wabi-wa-lhidayah taufiq,

Wassalamu Alaikum


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